A Little Bit Of My Heart

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Oliver hands Ophelia a bottle of bleach as she steps out of the camper. "We heard you. You will need this, you don't know where that's been," he says with a disgusted face and pointing at Austin. "It's been to heaven and back," Austin laughs and Ophelia hides her red face in his chest. "Lucky your parents left early this morning for a hike. The rest of us had to endure the birds chirping and Austin's moaning. I am traumatized," Rod says sipping on her coffee. "Didn't stop you from doing things to me that had you needing your own bottle of bleach though did it my Rod? I always said you had the best mouth in town," Oliver says bending down to kiss her cheek. Austin takes the bleach from Ophelia and drops it into Rod's lap. "Nasty girl," he laughs then makes Ophelia and himself coffee by the withering fire. Ophelia sits down next to Rod, avoiding her stare. Rod sucks on her vape and then passes it to Ophelia. She takes a drag and hands it back to her. "I met the boys in high school, fell for Oliver straight away. He was my first...has been my only, is my forever. I watched them grow from boys into men, I watched them go through the worst pain with Red and then celebrated with them in their happiest moments in life. They both were always there when I looked behind me and have never let me fall, they have been with me every step of the way and now...I watch as Austin falls in love. Be careful, Ophelia, he is exposed when it comes to you. It's beautiful to watch...but.." she lets her words trail off. She is worried about him, scared of what this might do to him and Ophelia finds her heart expanding a little more to make space for a spot reserved just for Rod. Rod is lovely. "When this ends I hope you know that I too will hurt. It's easy to fall for Austin. But...I have so much learning to do...so much life to live. I know it's selfish, I hate myself for knowing the pain I will cause without even trying," Ophelia whispers. "It's not selfish and you should not hate yourself. You will be the only one that does if you do. Austin is a big boy, he knew what he was getting into and he has no one to blame but himself - he wouldn't blame you," Rod says. They turn when they hear Oliver scream. "You dumbass! You broke the eggs!" he shouts and chucks an eggshell at Austin who ducks and comes up with a howling laugh that hits Ophelia right in the chest. "Maybe...maybe I could learn my lessons and live my life with Austin," Ophelia says, watching as Oliver chases him around the makeshift kitchen with a bottle of oil as they both laugh.

Rod sighs and hands her vape back to Ophelia. "The thing with Austin is, is that he thinks he is a bad guy. It's because he measures himself against Red. He saw Red as this anomaly, this man who was above everyone else, a man he strives to be. But Red was only half the man Austin is. Don't ever repeat that, I will deny it if you do. But Red told me that once. He said that Austin emulates this light, he changes how people see the world. Austin won't stay, even if you ask him."

"Because you don't think he loves me..."

"The opposite actually. He will go because he loves you. He knows you need this so he will give to you selflessly...even if it's to his own detriment."

"He will find some to love. It will get easier with time."

"Maybe...but there is just something special about your first love. It hurts a little more than the rest when it's lost."

"I am not his first love. He said he has been in love tons of times."

"Thinking and being are sometimes confused. You are his first love. I am glad it's you, you are a great choice for a first love."

"I think he's mine too."

"That would make sense. Good choice, he will keep your memories of him untainted."

"Women! Food!" Oliver shouts from the other side of the now-dead fire. Rod stands and walks off to him while Austin walks to Ophelia with a plate and sits down next to her. He smiles and hands her the plate, she knows he knows they were talking about him. But he doesn't ask, rather he sits back in his chair and looks out at the forest while she eats. Just as she finishes her food, Ophelia sees her parents walking back. Her father's shoulders slouching slightly, he is devastated at yet again not catching a glimpse of Bigfoot. He has been hunting since she was a child, he is getting old now. Ophelia does not know how many more hunts he can go on. "If I could make only one wish come true in my lifetime it would be for my father to see Bigfoot. Just for a second," she says. "You would not wish anything for yourself?" Austin asks. "I have a lot of wishes...but I think I would cash them all in for just that one if I could," Ophelia says watching her parents trudge slowly into the camp. "I have an announcement," her father says. "I don't think there are any Bigfoots in these hills. Sometimes...I think I might be wrong about Bigfoot altogether."

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