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I pat down my dress once again, it's flowly and dark blue, stops at my knees. The sleeve nonexistent, as the straps fall of my shoulders, showing my collar bone. I don't own professional work clothes, this dress was the closest I got. If I get this job I'll go out and buy suits and dresses.

I look up at the building, I take a deep shacky breath in and out, I look at my phone, it reads 2:40pm. Just enough time for me to get to Ms.Romanoffs office...I hope.

I walk in the big building and tell the lady at the front desk who I am and what my business is. She nods and gives me directions, I go straight to the elevator and press the button. Thankfully no one was in so it was an easy fast ride to the third floor.

Once on the floor I look around completely lost. There's so many rooms, some glass. Some half glass, and some not. Then there's workers running around and some not. It's like I'm spinning around, if I take a step ill fall over.

"Hello" snaps me out of my trance. I look over to the female voice, its a tall brunette girl, with green eyes, she's every pretty.

" you know where I can find Ms.Romanoffs office? I'm here for a job interview..." I say and start to play with my hands, as I get nervous.

"Yes, I'll show you. I am her assistant after all." She smiles, I nod and follow her

"No need to be nervous, Ms Romanoff is intimidating and scarry to everyone. Well except for me of course." She says as we walk to the office in the back

"That...that didn't help at all." I say, she laughs

"It never does, but better to tell the truth than lie." She says, I suppose she right. We get to the office and I take a deep breath in then release it.

"I never got your name" I tell her before she walks away

"Oh its Wanda Maximoff" She smiles brightly at me, I smile back

"Thank you Ms. Maximoff, mines Ash Lynn." She smiles and walks away, I knock on the door

The sound of heels grow louder and louder, then suddenly the doors opens making me jump a little. I look up slightly, and see Ms.Romanoff. Shes a beautiful women with red hair that goes to her chest, she has bright green eyes.

"Hi, in here for the job interview, Ash Lynn." I say, pushing my nerves down as I pinch my fingers behind my back.

3rd person pov

Little did Ash know two girls were watching her very move. The girls being, Romanoffs assistant and a girl whos partnered with the Romanoff company. Or in other words. Wanda Maximoff and Hope Van Dyne.

"Oh she's gonna get eaten alive." Hope says to Wanda, wanda just stares in awe

"Yes. Yes she is." Wanda responds

"Poor thing, she pretty and cute. Romanoffs gonna destroy her." Once again Hope speaks, she doesn't mean it in a bad way, the innocence of the young girl shows a lot, and Natasha Romanoff doesn't play.

"Let's have some faith." Wanda says, Hope smiles.

"If she comes out of that office with this job I'll take you on a shopping spree." Hope says, giving her hand to Wanda.

"Deal." Wanda smirks and takes the other brunettes hand. They shack, happy with their bet

Ash pov

I walk in and sit down on the chair, Romanoff signaled to, it's a normal chair, normal enough for an office at least. Natasha's desk infront of the chairs. Romanoff sits down in her chair, she plops her hands on her desk.

"Why should I hire you, Ms.Lynn." She finally speaks, I play with my fingers on my lap.

"Because I'm good at everything I do. I do it in a fast pace, and I've wanted to be in this business sense I was little. I've worked hard to get here, and I'd like to stay here." I say looking everywhere but the girls eyes.

She stands up, she walks over to me. Her power shines off of her as I sit in the chair and she towers over me, she picks up my hands and sets them on the chairs arms. She then lifts my head, to look her in the eyes. But I avoid it looking to my left, down, right. I try to avoid her boods. She moves closer to me.

"Say that again, but look me in the eyes and no finger play. Give me a reason I should hire you, Ms.Lynn." She says, I look up in her bright green eyes, my chest falls and rises I play with the chairs arms instead, but I'm assuming she sees as she cocks an eyebrow. I stop.

"I-im good at what I do. I can do anything you need in a fast manner and I've worked hard to get here. I promise if you hire me, it won't be a waist of time." I say then take a shacky breath and look away

"Darling. I didn't say look away." Heat runs through my body, whether it's my anxiety or the fact she's very close to me, i can't tell. I look back up at her, she smiles. "Keeps your eyes on mine. Hands away from playing, with anything. And your leg shouldn't bounce. Wear a smile not a face of fear. Don't stutter and talk to me with confidence. Otherwise you can leave right now." She backs away, her ass on her desk as she slightly sits, her arms crossed making her chest a bit higher. I look into her eyes.

"Sorry Ms.Romanoff." I say, she nods. She starts to ask other questions, I answer looking her in the eyes and trying not to stutter. Sometimes it hard though. She asks about ten questions, I answer all truthfully. After all the questions she goes back to her desk. Her hips sway, her hour glass body perfectly straight.

She sits down and says; "I'm giving you the job of being my apprentice. You will be by my side, do what I say and if i don't need you, you'll help Ms.Maximoff."

"But...Ms.Romanoff I applied for the-"

"Well if your so concerned, you can leave." She threatens again.

"No." She looks up at me, confidence flowing through my body. She cocks an eyebrow and smiles

"There you go." She gets up and walks towards me again, I stare her in the eyes. "That's confidence darling. Keep it." I nod "now be a good girl and show me how fast you can get this done." I nod again and take the file in her hand, as I stand up and walk not even one step she hold me in place. Her hands ride up my body, shivers go down my spin, the inside of my legs get hot, I push my thighs together. She slams her hands on my shoulders and rools them back making me stand up straighter. I breath in and out, my eyes close.

"Now you can go." I walk, I can feel her stare on my body with each step I take. I raise my head up high, as I get to the door she stops me. "Oh, and wear confidence like you have it. Also Wanda will show you your desk" I nod and walk out.

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