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Sorry this is late I got my blood taken yesterday I've been a bit out of it

I open the doors of Roamnoffs business. Why I'm here I have no idea but I'm grateful the place isn't closed. I run in the elevator, no one's really here. They must be closing.

But I could care less. My body wants me here my brain says ill embarrass myself. Just the fact I'm here is embarrassment.

I'm a mess, I'm crying for no reason.

I walk out the elevator, I see Wanda and I sob louder. She looks towards at the sound. I put my hand over my mouth and look down. She comes up to me and the next thing I know I'm sat in a chair.

"Are you ok? What happened?!" She asks but as I open my mouth to speak,but no words  fumble out only cries. I'm mad I'm crying and I'm crying cause I'm mad.

I pull my knees up to my chest and start to pinch my thighs, I feel my scars. Wanda hands me a glass of water. Take a sip trying to calm down, I don't look at her. She rubs my sholder.

"Ash what are you-" I here another voice and I mentally curse knowing it's natasha. I chug my water, wanda takes I sway before I'm finished

"You'll choke stop it." Is all she says, I see natasha come towards me aswell. I pinch harder

"Ash. Stop." They both say stareing intently at me, I put my legs down and stop.

"S-sorry...I didn't mean to come here. I don't know why I even did." They take me out the chair and I lay in Wanda's lap, I hold Nats hand. Natasha doesn't know about me and Wanda and vice versa.

"Don't be sorry just tell us what happened." Wanda calmly says as she strokes my hair. I breath in and out as I sit up rejecting the affection

"My-" I let a death out as I play with my fingers, for once romanoff doesn't stop me. "My brother told my parents I like girls..." a tear slips, all they say is 'oh'

"Yeah...oh. i left before they could yell. Or say anything..." I say, they don't respond

"And your cheek?" Natasha asks, I forgot...she hit me. Twice.

"My mom.." I don't go farther, I take a shacky breath in "I'm sorry I really didn't-"

"Shut up." Romanoff says, I look up at her. I don't respond

"You don't need to be sorry." Wanda says, they both are completely diffrent. It makes me laugh.

"What?" They question at the same time, I get up and walk towards the elevator hiting the button.

"Just you two." They look confused as I leave.

"Thank you." Are the last things I say before the elevator closed.


I walk in, I'm wearing a suit this time. Dresses show to much. It was hard enough to cover my reddened face from the hits. I've ignored all the calls and texts from my siblings especially my brother. Whyd he have to out me? Just thinking about it makes my stomach turn. I hate being mad at them but they...they did nothing to stand up for me.

"Ash Lynn!" I hear and lift my head up, I see natasha calling for me. I sigh and put my head on my desk, I then get up and walk into her office.

"Yes Ms.Romanoff?" I question, I'm not in the best mood today.

"I know shit happened yesterday but-" I shut her up quickly

"Yeah. A lot of shit happened yesterday. You kissed me. I'm practically disowned. I got no work done. Oh and let's not forget you saw me naked." Honestly I'm not in the mood for this talk right now.

"Yeah. Me and Wanda have a business trip to go on. Your coming to. That's what I was leading to, Ms. Lynn get your act together." I look up at her

"Oh-...sorry." I walk out. Great another person I've disappointed. Then again natasha always seems disappointed so what's my problem.

As I walk past Wanda's desk, she takes a hold of my arm, she looks up at me sympathetically. I bite my cheeks I don't want pity I really don't.

"Wanda please. I don't want pity, I just" I breath in a deep breath. "I just want space." I start to walk off but hse stops me

"I'm taking you for lunch. No buts. No complaints. And I'm not pitying you Ms.Lynn." where did mean Wanda come from? Honestly it's hot. She's cute and sweet which I love but her mean and her head tilt is hot.

"Fine." I walk away. I don't want to show her emotion.

The day goes on and on, I don't focus at all. My head hurts, my bodies heavy I hate this. This depressed feeling, I know it well but why do I have to have it now. It's not like my parents haven't done this before. They always complained about everything I did wrong. Always complained about my siblings kids. The only thing diffrent this time is the fact that my brother practically betrayed me.

"Come on Miss. I wanna be sad all day long." Wanda says pulling me up off my chair and into her arms, she puts a hand on my back. I feel safe in her arms.

We go to a Cafe across the street. I get a fruit bowl and tea. She gets real food. She takes me to a park next to it and we sit under a tree. We eat in silence.

"Don't be so blue. It happens to most people, you have to lift that pretty head on your shoulders and hold it high. You don't look good when your blue." I sigh and look up at her.

"I know I'm sorry..."

"What did we tell you?" She questions, I shrug not knowing what she means. "We said stop apologizing, you have nothing to be sorry for." I nod

"Do you ever feel like.. like you don't belong? I mean I know for a fact I'm into girls. I just. I have this thing...I like multiple at once. Maybe it's just a crush thing but. I don't know" I shrug, I look up at her, she's so close to me. I want to kiss her. What? No. But...

"I don't have that, but I do have this." She leans into me and puts my face closer to hers, I kiss her back. It's soft and kind. I sink into it.

But I kissed natasha and felt whole...

But I kissed her and feel whole to...

What's happening...

We pull apart, I smile. She does to and she grabs my hand

"You wanna go on a date with me?" She asks. I nod

"Yeah. Yeah I do." She smiles brighter

"Well we'll be in Paris for a week so.. I heard it's pretty there."

"Paris it is." I respond, I kiss her again


Whos heart to break first?

Natasha, hot, sexy, we love

Wanda, sweet, gental, we love

Do yall think it's gonna be polyamoris?(if spelled wrong sorry)

Then again we love the drama in this shit sooooo also can I state how hard it is not to make Ash cuss. Like I have a fucking potty mouth and it's hard as shit not to write cuss words. I have a problem.

My Boss, Her Assistant, & a Slutजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें