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I wake up next to wanda, she's playing with my hair, I smile at her.

"Staring is rude."

"I'm admiring, cutes." She responds, I roll my eyes and look at the time, it reads 9am

"Natasha needs me for a meeting at 12. I gotta go get ready." (Idk if wanda was a party of this bur she ain't anymore)

"Ok have fun. I have one I need to do aswell." She leans over and kisses my head "good luck cutes." I kiss her nose

"You to." I go to the kitchen and make tea. She leaves with a coffee in her hand and a kiss by me.

I go lock my hotel door and then go to take a shower locking the door aswell. There will be no repeats of last time. I won't have it.

When I'm finished I put on suit pants, a white button up shirt and suspenders. I leave my hair down and do a plain make up look. The meetingbstarts at 12. After wards is dinner seeing ad the meeting will last long. So I have time to fix my presentation for it, if it needs. That's exactly what I do.

Afterwards I go to Natasha to get approval.
She skims it.

"It's good, but you didn't have to make anything. We just talk about the company and how it's doing. Then get feed back, then go to dinner and continue it." She explains I stand there dumbfound

"Your kidding. Tell me your kidding."

"Nope. Now go please, I need to get ready myself." I sigh and leave. So much for all my work.


I quickly grab my bag and leave, making sure the doors locked. I'm ment with natasha right outside my door. I roll my eyes and start to follow her as the beautiful women walks.

We get into her fancy car with her fancy driver and her fancy rich people stuff, that I know all to well. I look over to her, then quickly I look away. I repeat that as my mind swirls.

We soon get to the fancy Paris restaurant, we head inside and I follow her to a table. I stay queit the whole way. I keep my head slightly down, wanting to be an invisible pet just following orders.

I only look up when I go to sit at the table, we're on the left hand side, near the end. And I see a person I thought I'd never half to in at least a few months.

My mom.

She's on the right side near the middle, but she sees me. And I know she does. I roll my eyes.

"Excuse us for being a tad bit late. My driver got stuck in traffic." Natasha smiles, everyone does there fake rich laugh.

"You sure it wasn't my daughter Ms.Romanoff? She has a record." My mom says, I can tell there's bitterness in her voice. But no one else can. They all laugh and contuine onto a new conversation. I feel my mom's gaze on me. I adjust myself on my chair and look up ignoring the whole event and conversations.

I never did like coming to these,  my parents would always force me. Speaking of parents, my dad's not here. Which is confusing... though it's none of my concern, I'm glad I only have one parent to deal with. I hadn't even realize a waiter came over till I heard natasha say my name.

"Hu? Oh. Right. Sorry. I'll just take a glass of water with lemon. No food." The waitress nods, I look to natasha, she hates me. She has the disappointed face on. I know that face all to well. And I look over to see my mom with it aswell.

"Excuse me." I say slightly quietly and I get up and head to the bathroom with my purse.

I look at myself in the mirror, I look away then back again. I take a breath in then turn the facet on and splash the cold water onto my face. I dry my face then fix my makeup, another breath and I leave the bathroom.

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