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I find myself on a private jet, with the two people I've kissed, liked. And kissed. Oh not to mention they both know I'm weak now. I have a great freaking life.

But this jet is hella cool. Natasha has a crap tone of money...but this jet and the workers.  It's worth it.  I don't know why I'm impressed, my parents had this stuff too. I guess it's just the idea she has just as much money as them.

On the plane I stay away from both of them. Not wanting to make the other sad or jealous...if wanda got sad my heart would break and if nat got jealous I'd be filled with guilt from not having wanda screw me instead.

I watch some shows as the hours pass, I draw. I actually caught myself sketching wanda and natasha. Though I stoped as I realized how I was drawing them...

If either of them saw that I would kill my self.

And I don't like saying that, because i find it insensitive. But the embarrassment would eat me alive. Because what I drew was a fantasy in my head. It was like a whole ass spicy wattpad story drawn out on paper.

I did wish it was real though...


We get off the plane finally, and take one of Natasha's super rich. Fancy cars with its own driver because she's fancy and lame, to are hotel, which might I add is also fancy and rich and pretty over priced and again lame.

We each have are own rooms thank the lord. I couldn't share a room with both of them for a week. I'd die.

I walk into my room, it's so rich and fancy and big. I feel like I shouldn't like this place. I put my suit case down and wonder.

It's your average hotel just with a couch more space and honestly more expensive. It gives apartment vides.

I head to romanoffs room after I finish checking mine,  I knock on the door. She let's me in.

"What's the schedule for the week? What do I need to do?" I question, she hands me a paper

"Today you can rest, tomorrow we have a meeting at 12pm. You need to make two presentations, one for tomorrow one for Wednesday, both same topic but alter the second one." I leave quickly once she's done talking. I want to avoid both of them. At all costs.

I start making the presentation, with the topic she said. It was easy I got it done in 15 minutes. Jet lag finally caught up to me and I decided to go to sleep.


I wake up to knock on my door, I look around rembering where I am. I trough my hair into a bun and splash water on my face quickly, I then open the door. I see wanda.

"Hi" I say to her and let her in

"Hi, when do you want to go on the date?" She asks out of the blue.

"Well I have Tuesday off, we can go then" She smiles

"Ok, wanna watch a movie with me" She questions but makes it sound like a demand. I go to the couch and so does she. We put a movie on,  half way through I fall back asleep, leaning my head on her chest.

My goal was to avoid both but I can't avoid wanda. She's persistent in a way you don't know until she's got her way. Then again I willingly let her stay to so who am I to say anything.

I wake to a very nice smell, I look behind me and see wanda cooking. I yawn and get up, I hug her, my arms going around her waist as my head rests on her sholder, I stand on my tippy toes, now realizing how tall she really is.

"Goodmorning cutie." She says, my heart flutters at the cute pet name.

"Goodnorning wands. Whatcha making?" I question, she puts a hand on mine

"Pancakes." She simply replys, I turn her around, she gasps as she almost knocks the pan over, I give her a smug smile then kiss her lips quickly, she kisses mine back,  I smile and turn her back around she's giggling the whole time.

"Ima ho take a shower feel free to control the tv." I say and start walking away

"Can I join?"

"No. You cook. I'll be out soon." I state and walk away

I lock the door, removing what happened with my boss last week. I don't want a reply. I put the water on and start my shower. When I get out u blow dry my hair and then head to my room pulling out a dress, I put it on then I do my make up. I go brush my teeth and then go out to eat wanda pancakes, she left a note with them as I see she's gone.

The note reads;
Dear cutes,
Here are my lovely pancakes, enjoy them. I'm going to get ready for the meeting aswell. ♡

I smile at it and begin to eat them, my heart melts more. It's to good. God I could marry Wanda Maximoff. 


I'm really sorry this is short I'm just bored and I hate this part anyway soooo yeah. But upcoming parts I'm excited for 👍

Ment yo post this earlier but fell asleep after school & just woke up

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