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I walk into my parents house, an hour late. There gonna bitch and complain but honestly I couldn't care less. Seeimg as feelings I didn't know were there are here....but wanda... I like her to and I just now realized I kissed my boss before I kiss my date. What the heck. And I'm at my parents front step and I can't turn back.

"Your late."

"Care to explain why your late." Both my parents say at the same time, I look seeing my sister and her kids on the other side of the room along with my brother and his wife and kids.

"I lost track of time. I'm sorry." I state looking down, they scoff.

We sit down to eat. As it was time to eat anyway. Dinners always the peace then after, we send the wife and husband with the kids to go get ice cream and we're sat on the couch to be told how much we need to improve and that we need to take over the company some day. It's a bunch of bull.

But seeing my sister and brother and there partners and the kids. It makes me happy. It makes me so so happy.

I've never come out to my parents. I've never said I liked anyone. They'd point to hot guys where ever we went but I always saw the girl. I looked for the girl and said she was hot. My siblings know I like girls not boys and they know not to bring it up.

"How's school kiddos?" My siblings kids ages rang from 6-3 my sister has three kids and my brother has three aswell with one coming soon. It's a packed house at the Lynn's.

"It's good auntie ashy! We're learning about doubles in math so 2+2=4 and 4+4=8!" Avery, the oldest, my minie me say. My sister named her after me. My real names Avery but after everything in college it's a curse to me so I changed it to Ashley but tell people to call me Ash. But Avery having it helps me feel better I was blessed with that name.

"Yeah! We're coloring! Learning distance!" The next oldest says his name is Max. He's my brothers kid, he's younger than Avery by a month

"We're learning sign language because my friends going deaf" Angela says she also my sisters, she's 5, I smile.

"We're learning the alphabet!" Mary, also my brothers, she's 4, she has slight autism and a learning disability, so it's harder for her so they held her back

The others are three and in the same class, there names are Alexandra and Makenzie. Poor max he's the only boy. They both tell me there learning about animal. I found it cute.

"That's so cool you guys!" I say with a smile. They all nod there heads, I look to my brothers wife, Alyssa.

"Do you know the gender?" I ask,she shacks her head 'no' "well name ideas, you both stick with the M theme sooo..." they laugh

"We were thinking Melody or Madeline for girls and Malikai or Matthew for boys" Alyssa says I nod my head.

"So pretty." They smile.

The dinner contuines and we all talk about sweet nothings, sometimes my parents make it about them but others they don't and they sound like they actually care. Which is just an act.

The conversation suddenly turns to me as Avery asks me a question.

"When will you get married and have kids auntie ashy?" I look to my sister, she just shrugs. Great thank you so much sister of mine.

"Umm...well I just haven't found the right person yet." I fake smile knowing damn well the pickle I'm in and who I desperately want to marry.

"Oooo ok...well when you get married make it quick because I want another cousin!" I giggle and push the turn in my stomach down knowing I can't.

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