Chapter 16 - Officer Nathan

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Chapter 16 - Officer Nathan

What a day, yesterday was. After that cryptic message from the old man I simply went home and attempted to get some sleep. Expectedly I didn't get any. Just spent most of the night wide awake thinking, deciphering, puzzling over whatever it was he told. His words made my brain overflowing with worry. But for all I know it could all of been a bunch of bull shit.

But then again, how would he of known me if he was lying? And what wolf would pretend that the moon goddess had sent them, when she hadn't? For now the best I can do is keep a close, wolfy eye on him. People's true natures always show. Hopefully his will show sooner rather than later.

But the world keeps moving, and I can't waste anymore time pondering over such a man.

As per usual I was wide awake ready for training at 3am. Except I kept having this constant feeling of being watched. I was ready to see neon yellow eyes pop out, glowing, from behind the bushes, but nothing. I didn't sense another person or creature (other than the forest animals), just their gaze upon me. I swear this place is making me go crazy. Well, crazier.

By the time I'm done, my uneasiness has lifted to the usual. But once again, no time to waste pondering. Time to get ready to piss some people off. Shower. Thin layer of eye liner. Mascara. Slightly shiny lipgloss. Clothes. Clothes?

A nice pair of black jeans and a brown and white long sleeve shirt is what my hands dragged out of the draws. I paired it with a nice brown, fluffy scarf and brown tinged sparkly earrings. Another thing that Georgia bought for me. That woman has too much money on her hands I tell you. George sure spoils the darling.

I grabbed a nutrigrain bar, my phone and my keys, slipped my feet into some brown ugg boots. Or as I like to call them, fluffy clouds of heaven covered in fake fur. Hopping into Allie, I immediately started playing "Teenagers" by My Chemical Romance.

When I pulled into the school's parking lot I had finished my nutrigrain bar and the bell was just about to ring. Making my way to class I was stopped by the old guy from yesterday. Mr. Frack is what I heard some guys calling him.

"Principal's office remember?" He asked sarcastically. Oh yeah right. That! Whoopies. I simply shrugged in response. His look of unamusement made me chuckle.

"Jeffrey, please escort this troublemaker to Mrs Bassiffinns," He directed to a random student passing down the hallway. Yay, let's force the small, scruffy boy with obviously dyed blonde hair and green framed glasses to take me to the principals. Child walks around in sweatpants and a jumper but still contours his face in the morning.

Out of the corner of my eye I see the sweet devil-angel dick appear, looking as brooding as ever. Seeing him even within a 10 metre radius of me is torture enough, but when he keeps strolling in my direction I'm already wishing that I had chosen to skip school today.

No you don't. Chastised Lexi.

Stupid, hormonal fucking wolf. Always deciding on my emotions when it comes to him. As Jeffrey starts to protest with bullshit arguments like "He can't be late to his business class again," Stone interrupts him mid sentence exclaiming "I can take her. It's really no trouble."

With a conniving grin from Stone and a powerful stare that he directed towards Mr Frack, he began 'escorting' me to the office.

"I can make my own way there you know?" I stated.

"I know." He simply replied.

"Then can you leave?" Irritation quickly slipping into my voice.

"I can, but I won't," he added cockily.

"And why not?"

"Simple." Stone said, adding a slight spring to his step. "Because it annoys you, and you're cute when you're mad."

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