Chapter 11 - Music Class

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Chapter 11 - Music Class

As soon as I hit the tree line I could feel my body starting to relax. The tall trees towering over my fleeting figure. The soft murmur of a near by river. Birds chirping happily in the bright sun. The calm almost suffocating my body, but that's what I needed right now. 

You see nature can calm every being. A werewolf because it is where the wolf feels most at home. A fairy because the animals are our friends. A witch because it is the very fibre of our powers. Vampires because of the many creatures that have blood being pumped through their body. And humans because of the peaceful aurora from all of these things. 

By the time I had calmed down, it was already the afternoon and I thought I may as well attend what ever is left of school. Making my way back to hell and entering the locker filled halls I looked for a clock. It was 2 minutes until the second last class of the day. Which meant I had music and then I got to go home early because I had a study lesson.

As I made my way to class planning on rocking up without my books I was stopped by an old looking guy. He had white hair and wrinkles, the kind that only followed old age. He had a stern look on his face and his pale face was starting to turn red from all the blood that was rushing to his head.

"Are you Malice?" he seethed, with a few drops of spit flying from his mouth. I lifted my hand up to my face and harshly wiped his saliva from my face, with a disgusted expression on my face.

"Yes, I am. And you just spat in my face," I affirmed him. If possible his face turned even more red. It was like watching his face go from cherry red to flaming hot chilli red.

"You have a weeks worth of detention and you will be speaking to the principle before school tomorrow!" He  barked loudly before stomping off. Yeah right, like I was going to turn up to detention.

By the time he had finished ordering me the late bell had rung and I was still making my way to class. When I got to the outside of the room, a delicious scent invaded my nostrils. It was his smell. My mate's. Great, I have music with him.

As I pushed open the door 2 things happened at once. One was that I spotted a fake blonde barbie sitting on his lap, eating his face off. On the inside my heart broke piece by piece, seeing him be able to make out with this girl, knowing he had a mate. But on the outside, I simply had an emotionless mask on. With my eyes dead, my mouth straight with the slight effects of a smirk.

The second thing that happened was that the teacher's head snapped up. She was a rather young lady, with her shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes. At least her face wasn't covered with make-up. She looked nice enough. "You're late!" she screeched. Ok maybe she's not so nice. 

The mere loudness of her voice was enough to attract the class's attention and for Stone and barbie girl to separate. Stone had a semi-shocked, semi-disappointed look on his face. What the fuck does he have to be disappointed about? He didn't just catch me making out with some random guy. But then again, now that I'm here his wolf will make him feel guilty for kissing another girl and he won't be able to enjoy kissing the girl therefore concluding any possibility of them continuing their make out session. 

"I think I know I'm late. And if it's any consolation I was being yelled at by a different teacher." I casually informed her, knowing she probably didn't care. I leaned back aginst the wall, next to the door, with my ankles and arms crossed. 

"Well since your new how about you get up to the front of the class and show us what you can do," the apparently very mean teacher demanded. 

"Or what she can't," Commented a girl from the class. I recognised her as the bitch who cornered me before I went to the office and attempted to slap me...Hope. Bitch.

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