Chapter 13 - Story Time

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Chapter 13 - Story Time

Now being raised the way I was, I don't know too much about feelings. Seeing as we are taught from birth not to have any. Of course you feel love and warmth around those whom you live and work with. You might get upset if someone extremely close to you dies, but the amount of emotion we feel is no where near the amount we should. According to others, your feelings for your mate are actually stronger from the amount of feelings you don't waste on other things.

So as I saw my mate break down in front of my very own eyes, for unknown reasons, I had no idea what to do. So I did the first thing that popped into my mind. I hugged him. Yes, I Malice, a very powerful killer is hugging her mate. As soon as my thin, tanned arms had wrapped around his torso, very awkwardly as the middle of the seat was between us, Stone's massive arms wrapped around my body. I felt so small compared to him. His head resting on my shoulder and I could feel his tears soaking through my shirt.

My hand was awkwardly patting his back as I waited for his tears to subside. Once they did I pulled back and he dropped his down, ashamed, probably of breaking down.

"Hey. It's alright. You wanna tell me why you just covered one of my favourite shirts in tears, or are we going to go awkwardly eat ice-cream, silently?" I joked lightly, attempting to lighten the mood. Yeah, safe to say it didn't work.

"I'm sorry I ruined your shirt. I normally don't go around crying to girls I haven't known for a long time. You just make it so...easy...yeah, easy." Stone claimed, treading carefully with his words, so as not to reveal his secret. 

"I know, I can have that effect on people. And it's all good, I mean it's just a shirt," I stated being serious. "What is wrong Stone?" I asked softly, with genuine care. 

"I forgot." He whispered to himself. I was about to ask him what he forgot before he cut me of. "I forgot. I can't believe I actually forgot his fucking birthday. My own brother's birthday!" Stone yelled, his voice progressing in volume becoming higher and higher, the more aggravated he became. I didn't know he had a brother. Strange. Why wasn't it in the report? 

"Hey, dude. I'm sure he'll be fine with you forgetting his birthday. I mean I'm sure he has forgotten things before too." I exclaimed, trying to make him fell better about missing his brother's birthday. But it didn't make sense to me. Why would he be crying because he missed his brother's birthday? 

"You don't get it! I mean, I never forget today. For the past four years I have never forgotten about his birthday." He replied, his voice once again extremely soft. 

"Why does this matter so much to you?" I asked cautiously. 

Stone let out a sigh before turning in his seat to look at me. His already red eyes once again brimming with tears. "My brother's name is Chris but he is only my half brother. When I was one, my mum got kidnapped and raped. Safe to say my dad was furious, thankfully he was able to get my mother back before anything worse happened but when my mum came home they realised that my mum was pregnant with that bastard's baby. The brave women she was, she refused to have an abortion so she had the baby. My father always hated Chris, calling him a rape baby behing his back. He hated having a reminder of what happened to my mother. To me..." Stone's throat clogged up. Sobs started to rack through his body. But he simply took a few deep breaths before continuing. 

"To me he was my best friend. I loved Chris. On Chris' 13th birthday my mum, dad, Chris and I went to the bank to get some money for Chris' present. While we were there a robbery took place. The guy had a gun and he pointed it at my mum. My dad, instead of jumping in front of the bullet, he...he..." Stone stuttered not being able to get the words out of his mouth. 

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