Chapter 14 - Cut Short

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Chapter 14 - Cut Short

We had been driving for about 10 minutes and Stone had already managed to eat both his and mine sandwiches.

"How much longer until we are there?" Stone whined. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention he has been whinning about how long the trip is for the last 5 minutes? Oh well, now you know. 

"You know, I am actually becoming to get really offended that you don't want to be in a car with me," I joked, chuckling slightly. But my little joke had him straightening up, instantly. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I love being with you. Even if it was in cell, awaiting death," he responded in all seriousness.

"Oh so now you want me to die. That's just great." I responded chuckling slightly as the words came out of my mouth.

"'s not what I...I mean..." He stuttered beforing sighing loudly. "I am not doing a very good explaining now am I?" He asked with a cute, little pout on his face.

"No, but it's sure as hell fun to watch you try," I exclaimed. He looked so adorable as he tried to cover up his mistake. Wait! Adorable, hell no! Since when did I find things adorable. This was a bad idea. A very bad idea.

"Hey look! The pool is coming up!" Yelled Stone at the top of his lungs. Great, let the fun begin. I hope you heard the sarcasm in my voice just now. As I pulled up to park in the massive car park, Stone started gathering all of his things and before I had turned off the engine he was already racing out of the car and starting to open my door.     

"Hi," I said slowly. Taking my time, gathering my stuff and getting out of the car.

"Come on sweet cheeks. Hurry that fine ass up," persisted Stone. I simply glared at him for his re-occurring nickname for me.

"What did I say about calling me sweet cheeks?" I asked slowly and slightly threateningly.

Stone hung his head as he replied by saying, "Not to. And then you beat my ass." 

"Well, look at that. Your not demented. And I was starting to think that your mother dropped you on your head as a baby." I joked as I strted walking towards the towering bulding. I always wonder why these places are so big. I mean all the pools are on the floor level. Ok maybe a floor for a gym but that's it. 

As we were walking Stone's hand crept into mine. I jerked my hand back, and turned my head to glare at him. "Um...sorry," he said awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. I know I was the one who said we do this but that was because my wolf answered for me. And to be honest I don't even know why I'm here, but one things for sure. I was not going to fall for him, just because he is my mate. 

"It's cool," I replied slowly, not knowing what to say. As we entered the building, Stone started getting his wallet out to pay for the entry. That's when I saw him take a $10 note when he had $5 notes and the pool entry was only $4. 

"Stone," I started seriously. His head whipped round so fast I thought someone smacked him. "You are not paying for me. End of discussion." 

He pouted. "Please Malice. It's the least I can do since you're cheering me up." He whined. 

"Nope." I asserted myself. I will not be pushed over. I went over to the counter and paid for my entry before going inside, and waiting for Stone. 

"How did you even know that I was going to pay for you?" He asked curiously.

I tapped my forehead before lying and saying "My dad's a private investigator. Remember," I said referring to the day we went to the motorbike race. 

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