Chapter 5 - Off I Go

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Chapter 5- Off I Go

Greg and I started for the door. I was there before he was because of my vampire skills. I slammed open the door, to see an outrageous scene. Alpha Williams had a defenceless woman against the wall and was trying to choke her. I saw some bruising that were forming on her left cheek and her exposed stomach, because of her now ripped top. There were 5 men around him trying to get him off.

I saw Greg was about to step forward but I turned towards him and lifted my hand. He nodded his head allowing me to take this one. With that I let my fury come through in my voice.

"THAT IS ENOUGH! ALPHA WILLIAMS YOU WILL LET GO OF THAT WOMAN IMMEDIATELY!" I yelled my voice full of anger. I saw the surrounding pack members jump only now realising I was here. Alpha William's head snapped towards me and he growled loudly. Everyone in the room flinched, even Greg by the slightest but not me. I have dealt with much worse. He was still holding the woman by the neck and I was getting aggravated. "NOW!" I boomed. He dropped her immediately and stepped back.  "Look after her," I spoke softly to the others, maintaining eye contact with Alpha Williams.

The men picked up the woman and whispered kind things to her like "It's alright sweetie, it's over," and "The lady will look after him," another said. I nodded at them and they did the same back as they walked passed us to leave through the front door.

"Greg I will go look after the others and then I have to go onto my plane. Deal with him will you. If I stay here any longer you won't be able to recognise him." I spoke softly, trying to contain my temper. He nodded his head and I went out the door and spoted the men carrying the woman enter a house a couple of blocks down.

I used by vampire abilities and ran over. "Hey. I'm coming to check that everyone is ok." I stated from behind them. They jumped as the turned around growling. As soon as they saw who I was they looked down embarrassed.

"Geez. Quite the welcome to someone who just saved one of your pack members." I breathed out. "How are you sweetie?" I asked the woman. She looked up surprised that I was here. That was before her eyes held anger.

"This is all your fault! If you would of just not challenged my son, then this would not of happened. He wouldn't of turned on me, his own mother." She exclaimed before hissing in pain.

"I will tell you the same thing I told your son. I am your superior and that is how I am to be treated!" I started to raise my voice. I took 3 deep breaths. "Let's go inside. I'll heal you and then I have to go!" She nodded her head in fear and the men carried her into the house.

Inside it was almost identical to the pack house except the fact that all the pack members were cowering together. "What happened here?" I asked kind of shocked at how they were acting. But I didn't let it show. I put my emotionless mask on and went into business mode.

"Our alpha went wild and tried to hurt all of us. I'm his brother, Jason." The biggest of the men who was carrying the lady stepped up. I nodded my head to show respect and he followed.

"Alright. Greg, the other guy will probably send your brother into rehab for furious alphas. His wolf has abandoned him because he did not respect me. I am the Luna's descendant as well as every other creature's gods daughter. So although you may all hate me, all your wolves, deep inside worship me. If you step out of line too many times you wolf will be ashamed to be with you. And if I then take away your privilege to shift your wolves have the opportunity to leave your body and to join the Luna. It's the same with every other creature except humans but they respect me anyway." By the end of my speech I was talking to them all. I saw the alpha's mother lying on the floor holding her wounds.

I moved towards her. She flinched but otherwise let me near her.

"If you don't mind me asking, who are you?" Jason asked. I lifted my palm to the woman's stomach and concentrated on her wounds. They were already starting to heal so I knew my work was done. I turned around and everyone was looking at me in awe.

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