Ep. 4

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Y/N Pov still
Whoa, chillax. No feature." He said after trying one more to try to convince Bella on the feature n since she was feeling relieved she decided to change the conversation
"Would you mind just pointing her toward Mr. Varner's class?" I asked politely but quickly cos I wanted to get away from him I also knew Bella  wanted to get away from him, honestly Eric was a bit weird.
He leads us away, clearly enjoying the attentive stares, but we were just cringing from them as we weren't enjoying it at all. Eric speaks once more.
"You two've missed a lot of the semester, but I can hook you up - tutor, cliff notes, medical excuse.." he said but I could tell Bella started to block him out like did. Once we got to Mr Varners class I dropped Bella off
"You gonna be okay Bella?" I asked her as she nodded her head. "Ok" I said quickly before I  went to mine. After class finished me and Bella had Gym well separate gym lesson so we met up then started heading towards the gym.
The boys' basketball team runs drills on half the basketball court. A girls' volleyball game occupies the other half. I could see Bella, who was in gym clothes, tried to avoids the volleyball like it's radioactive. She is terrible at sports I wonder if she told the energetic, athletic team captain, I think her name is Jessica since I overheard someone say her name, I decided to walk of the court to watch and see how Bella was doing anyways the energetic, athletic team Captain motivates the players well tries to anyways.
"Block it, Chloe! Yeah! Good attack!" Jessica said but unfortunately, the volleyball heads toward Bella. I widen my eyes as Bella closes hers and flails at it, smacking it. It flies off our side of the court and hits a basketball player in the head. Mike Newton since I saw the whole thing i ran straight towards Bella not caring that Mike got hurt
"Are you okay? It didn't hit u right?" I asked her panicky questions until she gently placed her hand on my shoulder,but not w out me flinching slightly,I can barely can handle physical touch cos of my parents but I allowed Bella to touch me and when that happened it calmed me down as she gave me answers stating that she was okay, it was awkward until we heard someone saying something, it was Mike and it was a delayed reaction tbh
"Ow" Mike said as Bella hurried to him, clearly embarrassed that she hurt someone w the ball that she hit away from herself a second prior
"Are you alright? I warned them not to make me play." Bella told Mike awkwardly which got a chuckle from me
"It's only a flesh wound." Mike told her as he grinned which makes her smile in relief just then the bell rings which meant class was over.
"You're Isabella, right? And you're Y/N right?" Mike asked us as i nodded my head at the mention of my name
"Just Bella" Bella told him as he nodded his head a little to acknowledge that Bella only wanna be called well Bella
" I'm Mike. Newton." Mike told us well more of Bella since I already knew his name as he looks at Bella a second too long, suddenly, Jessica appears, stepping between Bella and Mike. What she thought was subtle,but it was clearly possessive she nudges Mike.
"She's got a great spike, doesn't she?" Jessica said to Mike before looking at me and Bella. " So, you two are from Arizona, right? Aren't people supposed to be tan down there?" She asked Bella before looking at me"not you Y/N you look perfectly tanned" she said clearly flirting w me idk why but I think it was cos she was jealous tbh
"If you're flirting at me to make Mike jealous I don't think it working" i said to Jessica hoping it'd work but it didn't it just made Jessica wrap her arms over mine
"That's why they kicked me out, I guess" Bella said shrugging her shoulders, making Mike laugh and let faces it cos since Mike is laughing Jessica laughs as well. Bella and I stood still just feeling uncomfortable with the attention.. since it was lunch me, Bella, Mike and Jessica goes to the cafeteria when we get there we got our food and me, Bella, Mike and Jessica carry our trays to table. Which Eric appears, and squishes into a seat next to me.
"Mike, you met my home girl Bella." Eric says to Mike while wrapping his arm around her shoulder. Excuse me! Your home girl Bella? I raised my eyebrows at him but once again I got ignored by Eric
"Your home girl?" He asked surprisingly before chasing him
"It's first grade all over again, land you're the shiny new toy." Jessica says smiling but w a hint of jealousy Bella smiled awkwardly. Suddenly, a flashbulb blinds me and Bella. We looks up to see who it was, we both see a girl w a camera smiling guilty like she just been caught, I'm guessing she is Jessica's friend
"Sorry, needed a candid for the feature, and it much better since there is two of you" she said looking guiltily at us I opened my mouth to talk but Eric beat me to it so I closed my mouth, what is the point in trying to talk, my parents are right no one will like me ever
"Feature's dead, Angela. Don't bring it up again." Eric said to the girl that we now know it is Angela he then looked towards  to me. "I got your back, baby." He said once again as Bella shook her head. What is this guy's problem jesus
"Guess we'll just run another editorial on teen drinking." Angela said disappointedly and since I could tell Bella felt guilty cos she decided to help what she didn't know was i had the same idea
"Sorry. There's always eating disorders" Bella said slowly not wanting to upset her then I decided to complete the sentence
" or Speedo padding on the swim team" I said w a smile on my face, happy that I could talk for once w out being ignored
" Wait, that's a good one.." Angela said as i chuckled feeling happy that I could help her w the Feature
"I'm glad I could help" I said before I caught Bella's attention turn towards the double doors of the cafeteria
"Bella are you okay? Why u looking at the double doors?" I asked her but I don't think she heard as she doesn't reply I look in the same direction cos the doors swung open as four people enter there were two females and two males they move through the room effortlessly but awesomely to go and take a seat at the table furthest from us I could now tell that Bella was curious cos she leans over to Jessica and Angela the two gossipy girls well that what I think
"Who are they?" Bella asked them curiously as Jessica sits up proudly then leant in to tell us about them
" The Cullens." Angela whispered but loud enough for us to hear
"Doctor and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They all moved down here from Alaska two years ago." Jessica said as I nodded effortlessly I mean why would she gossip about some people like does she not have a life
"They kinda keep to themselves." Angela also said gossiping I honestly thought she wasn't that type of person
"Because they're all together. Like, together together. The brunette girl, Claudia, and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett.." she said stopping mid sentence to slightly look behind her before carrying on. "... they're a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal." She carried on as I rolled my eyes it can't be illegal if they aren't related it turns out Angela thought the exact thing
"Jess, they're not actually related." Angela said to her friend hoping she would stop overreacting

Introducing Claudia (McCarty neé Henderson) Cullen age 17 (20 actual age)(90 years old Vampire years) she is Emmett mate played by Emma Watson

Introducing Claudia (McCarty neé Henderson) Cullen age 17 (20 actual age)(90 years old Vampire years) she is Emmett mate played by Emma Watson

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"But they live together. And the little dark haired girl, Alice,she's really weird.." she started to say as I interrupted her
"Come on that's rude Jessica, you can't say that about someone" I scolded her I knew she didn't care but I did idk why I just cared about her calling Alice weird, either way it didn't affect Jessica cos she just carried on talking
"... she's with Jasper, the blonde who looks like he's in pain." She carried on saying I mean she is not wrong he does look in pain but he could just be ill today. "I mean, Dr. Cullen's like this foster dad slash match maker." She said once more before Angela said something it stopped Jessica
talking so that was good
"Maybe he'll adopt me." Angela said as Bella chuckled and I groaned quickly so none of them heard, okay then I was clearly wrong then Bella turns her head and once I saw her head move back towards the double doors we both see the last two Cullens to enter the cafeteria
"Who are they?" I asked Jessica since she is the gossip girl
"That's Edward Cullen and Rosalie Hale." Jessica said but knowing her,she had more to say, Rosalie Hale though, she was beautiful I couldn't keep my eyes off of her, she was like a drug you couldn't stay away from, it like I needed more of her and I didn't know her. Suddenly, Edward looks over, as if he heard Jessica from across the room, Which made Rosalie look at Edward then to us well she more looked at me. Edwards eyes meet Bella's. But he seemed confused. So Bella and I quickly looks away. "He's totally gorgeous, obviously. But apparently, no one here is good enough for him, for both of them. Like I care. Anyway, don't waste your time. Both of you" Jessica said obviously caring that she wasn't good enough for Edward
"We wasn't planning on it." Bella said clearly lying cos I knew since she was nosey, I knew she was gonna do it either way and she was gonna take me along for the ride. Bella can't help but peek at Edward again. He's staring at her outright now, with a slightly frustrated expression, what his problem, he is a creep much, I was bout to look away until Rosalie looked at me w confusion I didn't know why but I didn't wanna find out so I turned away to face the people on my table. The Lunch Bell rang telling everyone that lunch was over

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