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Angela pov
"Okay well it'll have to be soon cos we don't know how long your pregnancy will be, but with a original kind you'd have at least a couple of months" Y/N told us, okay that's exactly what I want, I'm not missing out on anything, I was gonna die anyways may aswell die quicker  "Right this is gonna hurt for sure, so do you wanna be somewhere comfortable?"

"Yeh, I don't want harm on the baby" I told him as we walked towards Edwards room, he brought a bed that i could sleep in when I was here, plus being a vampire like Y/N, I can finish college, like I want

As we got to Ed's room, I laid down on the bed

"I'm sorry for the pain you're about to feel" y/n told me once more before biting my neck and putting his venom in

I felt a burning sensation, I wanted to scream badly, I wanted to cry, and this pain to leave, I saw my life flash through my eyes, from me being a baby to meet Ed and the Cullens, and meeting Bella and Y/N

Y/N pov
After biting Angela, she was in the transitioning phase of turning into a vampire

I left, it'd take a few days at least, she most likely will be a hybrid, definitely a vampire but most likely a witch aswell. I'm not totally sure what going to happen or if it was going to work but we had to do something she was gonna die

We could hear her screams , I just wanted it to stop, I didn't wanna feel guilty, I could see everyone was nervous

Especially Edward, I just hope that this works

I had to run, the screaming made me feel guilty, made me feel like a monster, I mean I am a monster

I just kept running, I didn't look back, I ran to the one person who I knew could help

Once I got to the door I kept banging it

"Woah woah, chill" Bella said as she looked up in concern

"I'm sorry but can I stay here for a couple of days, till everything chilled at the Cullens" I said as she moved to the side and let me in

"What happened" she asked as I looked around to see if Charlie was around

"I had to change Angela, to save her but it making me feel like a monster, now she is sired to me " I told her when I knew it was safe too

I ended up opening up to her, she just listen to what I needed to say like always

Next thing we hear was another knock on the door

"Christ, I feel popular today" Bella sarcastically muttered under her breath as she walked down and open the door. "It's for you,Y/N"

I walked down the stairs to see my wife standing at the door with her hands on her hips

"Hey" I said

"Don't hey me, you need to stop doing this Y/N" she snapped at me

I just nodded, I just accepted defeat and walked out which she followed me

"She calmed down now, the screams have stopped" she tells me as I nodded and got in the car

Once we got back we walked into the house and Jacob was there

"Sam's lost the element of surprise, and he doesn't want to take you on outnumbered, so he's not gonna come at you head on. He's got the place surrounded and he'll wait for his opportunity" he told the coven

"We won't get through without a fight." Emmett said

"No fights. We won't be the ones to break the treaty." Carlisle said but in fact we did break the treaty

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