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Week later
At the moment I was downstairs doing homework and watching TV, when suddenly Carlisle came rushing in

"You okay?" I asked him as he nodded his head

"Yeh I'm okay, I just have the your DNA results" he told me making all the Cullen rush in and sitting down

"Hello people" I tell them as Rosalie sits down on my lap and Carlisle gives me my results

But I just held it, scared to see the results I looked around and saw everyone waiting for me to open it

So I did, I carefully opened it, this was my future, my proper family

"I am.. a Mikaelson..." I told them making Carlisle and the Cullen stop in shock. "My Parents are Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall and brother to Hope Mikaelson"

"So you're the Original Vampires son" Emmett asked making Claudia smack him

"There's a phone number" I said as I looked up at Carlisle . "Can you be there with me, I want to ring them"

He nodded as Rose got off my lap so me and Carlisle can go to his office

"What is an Original Vampire?" I asked Carlisle who looked bit conflicted to tell me but he knew he had too

"They're the first vampires to be created, The Original Vampires, or simply The Originals or the Old Ones, are a group of extremely powerful vampires that are known for being the first of their bloodlines and the first generation of vampires, which makes them the oldest, fastest, strongest, and most powerful vampires in the world." He started telling me. "But Klaus Mikaelson is a Hybrid, he is a Werewolf and Vampire whereas you and Hope are Tribrids,

your paternal grandmother was a witch and I guess that didn't get passed down to your father, because in a way, you can't be a vampire and a Witch but you and your sister is lucky maybe a exception I don't know how to explain maybe try calling the number" Carlisle said trying explain the best he could

I then get my phone out, type in the number then looked at Carlisle who nodded in support I then pressed the call button, putting the phone on my ear, letting it ring a few times

"Hello?" A man on the phone said making me breathe in and out before responding

"Hello, is this Klaus?" I asked making sure I had the correct number

"Yeh, who is this?" Klaus replied back making me swallow a sob that wanted to come out

"It's Y/N... Your son" I told him which made the other side of the phone quiet

"Klaus what's wrong, who's on the phone?" A woman asked him

"Y/N... our son" he told her who I now knew as my mom, which I heard her gasp. "Do you wanna talk to him"

I guess that was a yeh, since I heard rustling before she started speaking

"Hello" the woman said probably just wanting to hear my voice

"Hey" I told her quietly overwhelmed now that I know who my family is

"My little boy, all grown up, I'm sorry we wasn't there Y/N, we love you, we always have" she told me, I could feel my emotions playing up

"I wish I could've grown up with you, my life probably would be better" I told her as my voice cracked

"Was your life good son?" Klaus asked me

"I wish I could say it was but I can't, I wish I could meet you guys" I said not expecting it to come out of my mouth

"We will definitely plan it son, where are you living now?" Klaus said before asking

"I'm living in forks, Washington" I told them before the call became quiet. " I got to go but can I save this number Klaus?"

"Of course you can son" he told me making me smile. "We'll talk again, but for now bye, we both love you, Always and Forever"

"Bye" I told them before hanging up the phone

"Why couldn't I stay w them? Why did I kidnapped? This is so unfair" I started ranting as as Carlisle gave me a hug

"Your gonna get past this Y/N, they're in you life now , they won't leave you" he told me as I nodded I then let go of the hug and went downstairs to complete my home work

We only got a few weeks left and by we, it is me Emmett, Rosalie and Claudia since we are seniors

Once I finished homework, I went for a ride on my motorbike

I just drove and drove not caring where I went

Rosalie pov
"Is he okay Carlisle?" I asked once Y/N left for his bike ride

"Just a bit overwhelmed if I got to be honest, he just rung his birth dad, he just needs to be by himself for now" he told me

I then pick up my car magazines from the coffee shop table and started reading when all the sudden I heard Alice gasp as she goes into a vision

"Edward, you need to get to Y/N, something's happened" Alice told him as he nodded making me panic

"What happened Alice" I asked her worriedly

"He accidentally drove into LA Push" she told me

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