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Y/N Pov
"Psst Jasper" I whispered shouted trying to get his attention which I did cos he turned around

"What?" He whispered back to me as Alice pulled Jaspers work towards her cos let's be honest, we probs gonna talk for a bit

"Can I ask Rose to be my girlfriend tonight on our date, I don't wanna wait anymore, it has been months since I came to forks and when she was messing me about ignored her" I rambled on but stopped when Jasper put his hand up

"You can but I'm gonna bring you over to ours after school you gonna ask our father for permission to date Rosalie, it is good manners in our family to do that" he told me as I nodded

"Anyways what have you planned tonight date?" He asked me

" I'm gonna take her to the movies to watch the new iron man movie? Is she a marvel fan? Would she like that?" I asked loads of questions

" I think cos it's thoughtful she might like it anyways give it a go then ask her afterwards, start getting to know her aswell" he told me making me smile and nod

"Thank you Jasper, I appreciate this" I told him making him nod and turn back round before Mr Banner saw and taking his work from Alice

An hour later the bell went signalling that the lesson ended and that English was next which I had with Emmett and Claudia, which yk I should talk to Claudia a bit more since I'm gonna be around

I collect all my stuff and walked to English where I bumped into Emmett and Claudia, it seems like I'm bumping into the Cullens more today

" yo if it isn't my homeboy Emmett and my home girl Claudia" I said as I dapped up Emmett and sidehugged Claudia before walking in the classroom and sitting behind the Cullens

As I just sat down, I felt a wind of someone sitting beside me so when to the right side of me I saw Jordan Sanders, who is also in my biology and Spanish class and was also on the football team

"Yo bro" I said dapping him up as he smiled and sapped me back

"Yo man how you been, I haven't seen you in a couple of days and we are in 3 classes together  and on the football team aswell" he told me

"I have been alright, sorry I haven't been paying attention recently, it just I have a date w Rosalie Hale and I have been focusing on what to plan and all of that" I told him as he nodded then faced to the front when our English teacher started speaking

"Please continue the work from last lesson while I mark the other classes work" our English teacher said, so that what we did but also chatted with each other

"Yo Emmett bro, when is the next football practice?" I whispered shouted to him

"Monday, after school" he whispered shouted as he turned around, I mean I would've asked Jordan but he has headphones in, meaning he wanted to be alone

"Awesome, cheers lad" I told him softly making him nod

"So what you and Rose going to do for your date tonight? Oh also if you're still up to watch us Cullens play baseball, we are going to play it tomorrow" he told me quietly since we are in class

" well I'm thinking the cinema to be honest since there is a new movie coming out, Iron Man and it is a start of a new franchise called Marvel, I just hope she likes it, oh and awesome, yeh I'm still up for baseball with your family" I told him

Time Skip

The last bell just rang hinting that school finished and it was the weekend after all so everyone was quickly picking up their stuff and leaving. As I walked out I saw Rose and Bella waiting outside for me

"Uhm hey bells, what you doing here?" I asked her as I took Rose's hand into mine

"Well I actually wondering what you're doing tonight and to see if you want me to put your back pack in my truck" she said to me making me slightly confused

"Well uhm I'm going on a date with Rosalie tonight and yeh please cause I'm on my motorbike" I told her as we started walking towards the parking lot, I took my bag off my shoulder, passing it to Bella, I doubled checked if I had my wallet and keys, which I did and once I did I nodded to Bella, who took that as I got everything, then left leaving me and Rosalie alone

"Sorry Rose for not saying hello" I told her feeling slightly guilty which she pushed the guiltiness away

"Don't worry love, so what we gonna do?" She said then asked

"Well I was thinking of something simple, so I thought of the cinema, is that okay?" I said cautiously not wanting to upset her

"Yeh that's fine" she says making me sigh in relief

Once we reached our cars or in my case my motorbike, the Cullens were waiting for Rosalie to turn up, I also noticed that Bella hadn't left, hmm that's bit strange

Then all the sudden I hear and saw one of the truck haywire, it was heading towards Bella, so I ran as fast as I could to the other side of the parking lot, what I didn't realise was Edward was there by the time I got to Bella

"Hang on how the fuck did you get here so fast Edward?" I asked him which he ignored and walked back to his car as he got to his car, all of the Cullens quickly got in their cars and drove off I saw Rosalie looking at me with a apologetic expression on her face before she also got in her car and left

I waited for a ambulance to come and whilst it did Mike and Eric came up to check on her I mean everybody was but once the ambulance did arrive I left her side to go to my motorbike to drive to the hospital which I found out all the Cullens were there

I met up with Charlie who was rushing in to the hospital to check on Bella, once we found where Bella was at we both rushed to her

"Bells. Are you alright?" Charlie asked her as I walked closer to her

"I'm fine, dad. Calm down." She told him as it got quiet between the 3 of us, Tyler, the guy who crashed his car into Bella spoke up

"I'm so sorry, Bella. I tried to stop." Tyler told her and I knew he was telling the truth, he looked so terrified when he saw that he crashed into Bella

I actually ended up tuning out the conversation between them 3, some day this turned out to be. I ended up tuning back in the conversation when I saw Charlie started to point at me

"We nearly lost you." He told Bella sternly while pointing to me and him

"But you didn't." She told him as Charlie glared at Tyler, who gulped at the glare

"You can kiss your license goodbye." Charlie told Tyler as a Doctor walked in, cutting the conversation off, thank fuck for that

"I heard the Chief's daughter was here." The doctor said as all of us looked up at him

"Good. Dr. Cullen." Charlie said to Dr Cullen who we know now, Dr Cullen then turns to an ER Nurse

"I've got this one, Jackie." He told Jackie, who then passed him Bellas chart notes

I then tuned out once again, I gotta admit, this is kinda boring, like hospital trips are just not for me you know, I just get bored very easily

In end everything was okay so I got up as-well as Bella who was still kinda mad at Charlie, who just shrugs and hurries off

Bella then drags me along with her as she took her cell phone outta her pocket and was about to dial but as we were about turn the corner, she sees something so she stops me

The eternal life is better w you Rosalie Hale x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now