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At the min Bella and I were in LA push, she wanted to see Jacob and as much as i despise the kid, he still Bella's friend, I told her when we pulled up that I was staying near my bike, and if she needed me to holler me

I knew Bella and Jacob would be walking on the beach, that is her fave thing to do when she is here

I was on my phone texting Rosalie about invitation list for our wedding which was in a month time

We didn't have to worry about the venue cos we were doing the wedding in the Cullens backyard, that's what Cullens do, it is easier on them as well as the couples who are marrying, so the only thing we were worrying bout was dresses and suits

I was pulled out of my thoughts when my hearing picked up screaming, it was...


I vamped sped towards her and Jacob, I saw her rubbing her fist, glaring at jacob and him looking upset and annoyed

"What the actual fuck Jacob" I bellowed at him, I could tell he backed down, I seem to forget that I'm also an alpha nowadays since I've been planning my wedding. "If you ever touch her against her will again, I swear to god I will do everything in my power to ruin you, don't forget I overpower all of you wolves, I'm an mega alpha, not Sam, not Paul, me"

Me and Bella walks off leaving Jacob looking like a kicked puppy, I ended up taking us back to the Cullens so Bella could get checked out

Once we got there I stormed in the house with Bella behind me, it looked like only Esme,Carlisle,Claudia,Rosalie,Emmett, Jasper were there, Edward was with Angela I'm guessing and I don't know where Alice is

"Pops? You in?" I called out for Carlisle, I started calling Carlisle pops and Esme, ma a few weeks ago, their reaction was priceless

I walked in the kitchen where Carlisle and Esme were, I decided to try some actual food since I can survive on it technically

"Hey Ma, Hey Pops" I said as I walked by them Carlisle looked shocked but more confused and Esme look like she was gonna cry, ofc she can't but she seemed emotional about it

"You two okay?" I asked concerned

"Y-you called us Ma and Pops" Esme stuttered a bit

"Yeh? Is that okay?" I asked

"That's more than okay son" Carlisle said as Esme nodded

"How's the mikaelsons doing?" Esme asked as I nodded

"They're doing good, gonna come see them at some point, and I invited them to mine and roses wedding aswell" I tell them as they nodded, listening to what I was saying

For the first time in years I finally found a place I can call home

Flashback ended

"In here Y/N" Carlisle said from the kitchen so me and Bella walked in, I saw my fiancé reading a car magazine whilst Claudia sat reading the newspaper, looking for an update, she looked up when she heard my name, smiled at me, all of my stress disappeared. " you need anything?"

"Yeh, can you check Bella's hand" I asked as I sighed as he nodded, got his supplies then walked back. "i swear you're the most clumsy person bells"

"Total misunderstanding. It's just a sprain, should heal fairly quickly." Pops said as he finished setting Bella hand in a splint and Emmett and Jasper walking in

"Trying to walk and chew gum at the same time again, Bella?" Emmett asked

"I punched a werewolf in the face." She told him as Emmett smirked knowing that it was Jacob

The eternal life is better w you Rosalie Hale x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now