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A week later
Rosalie Pov
It has been a week since I've kissed Y/N, a week since he has ignored me. It has been torture I just want it to stop, I guess that's my fault if I never had left after we made out he wouldn't have ignored me, I was in the cafeteria w my family, just staring at Y/N I could tell he knew I was staring at him cos he looked at me then glared at me before talking to Jessica

I decided to stop staring at him, I couldn't handle him talking to the gossip girl when he belongs to me.. wait.. did I just thought that.. I heard Edward chuckle

"Stop reading my mind Edward" I scowled at him  making him chuckle even more. "N stop chuckling"

"I'll stop doing that when you admit your jealous" Edward says smirking

"I'm not jealous" I scowled even more while my whole family started laughing making the whole cafeteria look at us

"Stop looking at us and go back to what your doing" I shouted while rolling my eyes making everyone go back to what they were doing and we carried on talking about "my jealousy"

"But seriously you might wanna chill on the jealously Rose, I can feel how jealous you are rn" my brother Jasper told me, am I really that jealous.. I can't be though..

"I'm jealous.." I admitted while whispering as my siblings smiled, happy that I admitted that I'm jealous that Y/N is talking to some other girl

I looked back at Y/N, he looked so happy even tho I knew he was hurt by my actions my thoughts got interrupted once again when I saw Y/N mouth opened

"Is the offer still on the table? Yk about that date?" He asked Jessica who smiled widely and nodded her head

"Yeh it is" she replied "but I thought you didn't want to go on a date w me"

"I thought about it and decided I should give you a chance" he told her. "So get ready when you get home I'll pick you up around half 7 tonight"

I could feel my dead heart break into a million pieces as I left my untouched food on the table and left the cafeteria, that should've been me if I wasn't a total idiot and left, me and him would be together. I needed to tell him how I felt and quickly

"What you doing out here?" A familiar voice said, I turned around to see that it was Claudia, I sighed sadly as she sat down next to me

"It hurts to see him w some other girl than me.. I just wish that I didn't leave, I wish he didn't have this affect on me.. now he going on a date w someone that's not me.." I told her as I looked at her

"Ik it'll be difficult to hear but things happen for a reason and you wanna know why?" She asked as I nodded. " cos in the end, he'll be w you, you two are mates, you can't stay away from each other for long"

We sat in silence for a few seconds before we heard footsteps headed towards us then stopping few steps behind us

"Uh.. could i borrow Rosalie for a few minutes or so please" I heard Y/N say as I felt Claudia nod her head, get up and leave

"So what's up?" I asked knowing it's probably about the date but I didn't wanna expose myself since technically I wasn't even near enough to hear about it

"Can we talk.. bout us I just want to stop ignoring each other" he told me as I just nodded my head but shocked that he is leaving out the fact he got a date tonight. " so why did you.. run away after we made out.. was it me?"

"No it wasn't you, I was scared.. I still am, the last time I fell in love it went wrong, I thought I knew the guy I was dating but clearly I didn't" I said making the story short, I will him the long story when we get together or when I'm ready

"Well I wouldn't do that at all Rosalie" he told me as he looked in my eyes and looked at his, everything felt like it slowed down when I looked at him, nothing mattered but that all stopped when Y/N spoke up again. " I have a date w Jessica"

There it is, the moment is over, I stood up and left I could hear Y/N shouting my name but I didn't care, I just pour some of my heart out to him then he tells me that I walked to class thinking I'd get away for an hour but it turned out that calculus was right after lunch that was also the class I happened to be in w Y/N and ofc Emmett

"What happened after Claudia left, sis?" Emmett asked me as we both sat down in our seats. I told him what happened he was about to reply but Y/N walked in, we both looked at each other

"Mr L/N, sit down lesson has started!" Mr Varner scolded Y/N as he quickly sat down next to me. "Right let get in to this"

It was long and boring hour once the bell rang me and Emmett quickly and quietly packed our stuff up and went to our next lesson which was Spanish, I was glad that I only had 1 lesson w Y/N

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