Chapter 31

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"I don't know what to do" I cried to the Maitlands "I don't know what happened with us!"

I went up to Adam and Barbara's space in the attic to try to talk about the whole Beetlejuice situation.

"Well Y/N, from what we've seen, he doesn't really seem like the relationship type.." Adam sheepishly added

"Adam! You're not helping! I understand, sweetie. First loves can be tricky, especially dead ones, I'd assume" Barbara tried to comfort me but honestly it didn't work. I'm so fucking tired.
"But I'm sure he has something special planned. He's always two steps ahead, y/n." Barbara added

Before I could respond, a familiar demon bursted in holding a box of God knows what."Hey losers! I got swatches for- oh. Y/N. 'Sup" He snapped the box into thin air.

I looked at the Maitlands and back at Beetlejuice who looked super guilty. They're hiding something from me and now I know it for sure. I can't believe they'd do this to me!

I sighed. "Thanks guys.. I guess" I then got up and shoved Beetlejuice out of the doorway where I retreated back to my room.

Honestly I'm not even mad. I can't be. I don't know what I expected from dating a demon. I knew this was a mistake, I should've stayed with Matt and then at least I wouldn't have to deal with all this undead bullcrap. I need a nap, a long one.

I woke up to voices talking downstairs, I recognized none of them. There could be anywhere from 10-20, is it my mom's friends?
I got out of bed and peeked my head downstairs. There was about 14 random ghosts I've never seen before and the only reason I know that is because they looked dead. I walked up to the most normal looking one, an old lady with bright red lipstick who was smoking a cigarette in the living room.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Who are you?"

She raised an eyebrow "Who am I? I'm Juno. Who are you, kid?"

"I-I'm Y/N. I live here"

"Oh. This is your house now. Been a while since I've had to deal with residents here. I assume you're aware of the wedding?"

"WEDDING?" I shrieked. " What wedding?! "

"Shhh. Keep your voice down, we're inside and it's starting soon. Kids these days" she scoffed

"I'm sorry I'm sorry. But Juno, what's going on?"

"You kids never listen. There's a wedding! Between Be- my old assistant and some kid. I always knew he was weird. Actually, I thought the kid was you but apparently not." she shrugged

"No. This can't be happening. I'm dating Beetlejuice! I have no fucking clue what's going on"

"Don't panic, kid. I don't know why you're surprised. He's dead and has pulled this scheme before, you're just this century's pick" Juno took a drag off her cigarette."and apparently he moved on"

"Wait so.. He's getting married to... Become human. That was his only goal, huh"

"Sorry to be the one to tell you but you'll appreciate me one day. Let me tell you this kid, find someone living. Then, when you die, either find another dead person or be single. Never trust the living"

"I think I understand. Thank you Juno"

"Of course kid."

As soon as those words left her mouth, a light music started playing and before my eyes, my fireplace morphed into a type of portal with bright colors on the other side. Out of the portal came a very short and almost alien-like creature wearing a suit. Is this who Beetlejuice is marrying?

But no, it wasn't. I saw who BJ was marrying. I knew deep down all along who it was. Fabio

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