forgiven...? Mabye.

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A/N rq ill be saying some imporntent stuff sepret from any chapters thats why the message wanet at the end.

Why do i even have those feelings with Drew... Should i forgive Drew... Shold he be... Forgiven? jake woriedly thought.

A sight excaped Jakes mouth as he pushed the doors open to what  he would like to call hell, but most people would call it school.

Now what is the reason he finds it as hell especially today, well Zoey has spred so many rumors about jake ever seance the.. incedent.

Well also today was the compition, but jake had an off feeling about the music club not beacuse the glares but beacuse, Was what drew said correct a week ago about Haily useing him..? He really wouldent be suprised at this point if that was the being. 

He walked into the music room for there 2nt to last practice before the big night that they had ahead of them. Jake looked around at the mebers seeing glares at him from everbody but sean he looked almost, apologetic..?

Thats weird why does only sean seem to care didnt haily say the whole club wanted be back, not just her and sean? Jake couldent help but think while he walked into the room fully, standing at his mircophone.

"Alright everbody lets not waist time and begen a nice practice." Haily spoke to her club members before walking over the the gitar with Milly.

Sean got the sound goining as luke played his drums as soon as jake beag sining his first part of the song. Once the first verce hit, Zander began on the piano with perfect timeing. As the seconed verce came along haily and milly began with the elcetric gitars. When the beat drop the the chouras was about to hit Luck louned up thre drums then completly stopped when Jake bagan with the couras, alowing Zander to louden up the piano. The girls contunied with the gitar playing but sofened it a little.

Before they knew it the song was over and so was practice this morning. The bell rung and the music club went out of the room and to there next classes.

Jake was in class with his headphones again, Listing to mocking bird my Eninem. (what im listing to rn)

Jake looked down at the work infront of him as it piled up about 10 papers that it seemed made no seance, Jake lifted his head and looked around seeing kids turning it in. He sighed sqribbling down random awncers. Once he finished his mess on paper he threw in in the retune basket with no care.

Jake turned to DRew to look at him...

Drew lifted his head off the table, he had finished his work early and had needed rest. He turned over seeing jake stare at him a flutter apperead in his chest but he didnt look back for long, just a small glance.

Once he heard the belll ring he was quick to get out there his arm beiing grabbed by his girlfreind.

      "What do you want?" Drew asked looking annoyed at her but when he went to face her she looked ferious.

      "I want to break up! you clearly dont have what it takes for a relation ship! Espechally after what you did to zoey! You should be ashamed Drew. Im lucky she tolf me before i got to atatched."

Drew grew confused then angry. He didnt even like this girl, so he wasent angry about the break up but morre anry at zoey. WHat rumor was she spreading?

       " WHat did shed telll you?!?" DRew demaned but got no awncer instade a glare and the girl walked awway.

Drew grew more infereated as he looked twords Zoeys direction. She was laghing before turning to a guy and cring on his shoulder.

       "Drews sutch a jerk. i canr belive hed do that!" A kid shouted.

       "Zoey you poor thing you didint deserve that.A more kids took pity and Zoey Drew grew more timide and on edge but he qouldent to anything. It was almost likke he was frozen. All he could do was stand there and take in the death stares. Trears began flowing down his cheeks as he despertly tried to stop them.

It seeemed as if nothing had worked Drew couldent stop them from comeing all he could do is stand there and look stupid. As more and more stdents g;lared at looked at him it felt like everyone was agensted him. Drew couldent haldle this mutch presure. More tears fell out and exaped into small pudles on the ground.

He ran past the giant croud hideing his head by drooping it down to face the floor. he steped into the males bathroom and looked at hisslef in the merrior he didnt recpnise the boy he was seeing. His face was red pufffy and wet he had messy hair and a pankied expreshion. Drew fell to the ground and hugged his knees, cring into the darkspace he had created.

Why cant anything be normal why does Zoey have to do this to me? Why does jake have to hate me? WHy do i have to be sutch a dick? Why cant i be kind?! Why am i a faliur...?

Drew thought to himself as the tears pooled up in his lap.

Thats when the door swung open. Drew felt a fear spring through his body when he felt the presonce of the persones eyes on him. Drew slowy lifted his head to see Jake standing there looking liike same old jake. The jake before he got kicked out of the club. The jake that...  didnt hate him...

He looked up with his puffy eyes still full of tears. Jake looked down and crouched infront of him. Jake soft;y smiled though his eyebrows furrowed with worry.

        "You okay mate?"

Drew didnt relpiy just looked at the floor. Jake cupped his chin makeing his look up at him.

Drew began cring again befor jake quickly hugged him.

   "its going to be okay drew dont worry. Say ofter the comition today we can hang out and you can you know, Talk to me. We may have shit and be pricks to eath other but im still your freind mate."

Drew smiled at that looking back up and him beforehugging him again.

The two stayed in each others embrace for abour to seconeds until.



1083 words! TYSM FOR 1.25K on this book i am so happy!

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