the first kiss

410 12 23

   really short sorry, Tw homophobia.

  Jake sat there confused at Drew's sudden outburst, but yet, he was shocked. Jake got up and followed Drew as he walked away. Jake was bigger then Drew so this was easy, Jake grabbed drews shoulder. Drew turned around shocked, not expecting Jake to have followed him. 

                  "Jake what are you doing here! I can't deal with the pain anymore!" Drew shouted.

                  " Drew.. I'm sorry I didn't notice.." Jake said as he pulled him in for a hug. Drew reluctantly hugged back. 

                  "But, Drew, I feel the same way." 

Drew was shocked and happy, it was like he wasn't scared of this anymore knowing Jake liked him back. but he was scared.. Jake was also relieved when he felt drews grip change from a reluctant one to a genuine one. After the boys stammered in silence, Jake opened his eyes and started to make eye contact with Drew.

Drew looked back into Jake's eyes, Jake's look being one full of love and worry while Drews was a look of love, anger, and disgust. He wasn't disgusted with Jake at all but more disgusted with himself. He wanted this so badly but something inside him wasn't going to let him unless he pushed through it. Then he did… 

Drew closed his eyes as Jake wrapped his arms around his hips and closed his eyes too. Until there was just an inch between them. Jake and Drew both closed that gap and their lips touched. They started to kiss one another while holding on to each other tightly. 

  Then a gasp was heard and the two hearts dropped. Jake almost dropped Drew as they split apart quickly and they both turned to see Jannit, Drew's girlfriend. Drew froze as jake started to panic while Jannit started crying. 

       "We can explain-!" Jake shouted, shaking. 

       "How long have you been standing there…" Drew said fidgeting with his fingers. 

       "Long enough to know that i fucking hate you, and you're gay!? That's disgusting!"

That same feeling filled Drew again.. he felt so sickened with himself for kissing a boy.. let alone enjoying it and probably would have gone further if he wasn't in a school building and wasn't caught.

Jannit ran off with tears in her eyes and Jake immediately went over to comfort Drew.

     "I'm so sorry Drew are you ok?" Jake said in a calm voice before going to hug Drew but in his surprise he got pushed away.  

     "Just leave me alone!" Drew shoute before leaving as well.. leaving Jake by himself.

forgiven...drake (tmf) (OLD)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon