Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

In the morning Skylar didn't want to talk about it. She'd broken down in front of Ian because of a picture he took of her, and that made her feel so damn stupid. It made her feel even worse to think that she couldn't even do a simple thing like take a picture for him without crying. Taking pictures was such a normal thing to do for couples. All she wanted was to be like any other couple and make Ian happy, but she couldn't do that, and she really hated herself for that.

She knew that Ian was nothing like Gregg, but she still couldn't help but go back to the old days when she thought everyone was evil scum. Meds were something that she had been on to help her cope with her feelings; they had helped her. She'd gotten off of them because she didn't want to depend on meds anymore, she thought that she could do it on her own. Apparently, she was wrong.

"I love you," Gregg promised, taking her hand in his and giving it a squeeze. When their gazes met, he smiled. She didn't want to act like a cheesy person, but his words made her feel really happy and she just wanted to hear him say those words all day long.

They were in her room, they'd decided to just watch movies at her place after school. It had been a stressful day. She'd almost gotten into a fight with a girl in her chemistry class, but the teacher had stopped it before anything else happened. When Gregg found out he told the girl and her friends off. Even when they'd said he was the loser for going out with the girl that killed Ingrid, he brushed it aside and made a statement by kissing her sweetly on lips in front of everyone.

"I love you," she told him and then gave him a kiss on the lips. She really did love him. He was the only person that didn't blame her for Ingrid's death. The only person to show her some type of affection when not even her own family bothered to. The only person that cared about her.

When Gregg started pulling at her shirt she felt a bit uncomfortable but didn't say anything about it. It was just her top, nothing else. So she kept on kissing him, letting him touch her and make her feel something. It was the only way she could feel like there was a purpose, because he wanted her.

But then he started pulling at her jeans, and that really did make her feel uncomfortable.

"Stop," she pleaded. "I...I can't."

Gregg pulled back enough to give her a good look. He pouted. "Come on, babe."

She didn't like saying no to him, she really didn't. But it was her virtue they were talking about. Skylar had never done it before. She didn't have any experience. Gregg was a senior and he probably had a lot of experience. What if she disappointed him?

"I don't think I'm ready," she explained.

Gregg sighed. "Sky, I love you," he said. "I really love  you. Don't you love me?"

"Of course I do," she promised him, almost panicking. 

"Then," he said, "show me that you love me. Prove it to me."

She was having an internal battle with herself. She wasn't ready, she knew that. But Gregg was the only person that cared about her and she didn't want him to feel like she didn't care. She didn't want to risk losing him because she was too afraid of losing her damn virginity. He was worth so much more than that.

Slowly, she nodded. "Okay."

He gave her a big smile and said, "Great, babe. I'll go slow at first."

Gregg had not loved her. He never had. He'd manipulated her into sleeping with him. She'd given him something that she could never get back and she had to live with that for the rest of her life. 

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