4: Please mind the voodoo

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4: Please mind the voodoo

—- picspam by @split-socks —-

The first time Nathan saw Teddy, it was like looking at fire. A fierce, feisty fire, burning with determination. Although, Nathan thought amused, the fire was a little too strong for his taste. He was always the cheerful guy, the all sunny and golden Australian boy everyone liked. He was quite the opposite of this fire.

Teddy had peculiarly beautiful features. She had golden honey brown hair which she had dyed a sunset orangey-red at the tips. She had dark greenish-brown eyes shaded by long, thick lashes and bold eyebrows. These combinations worked amazingly well together and made her beautiful. And, again, fierce.

Nathan strangely liked her, kind of like how an annoying itch you got used to.

He woke up that morning, with butterflies in his stomach. The competition. It was today.

And there was a stranger from another country in his home.

In his sister's room.

His heart broke just at the thought of Enalie.

He yawned and tried to forget about Enalie as he got off his bed and took a quick shower. After dressing in his sportswear, he headed to Teddy to see what she was up to.

Naturally, she was sleeping. With drool and bird's nest hair. And she looked so serene, smiling slightly.

Until Nathan shook her awake and she punched him hard in the stomach.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" she demanded furiously, rubbing her eyes.

"I had to wake you up," Nathan said, suppressing a grin.

"Today," she began, pushing back the covers and wiping her drool with the back of her hand. She was obviously the type of girl who didn't care what other people thought about her, especially boys, "I will beat you up in the comp until..." Teddy frowned. "Until... Just until something bad happens to you, preferably bodily harm."

"Come on, take a bath and go grab some food for breakfast. You look like hell."

She muttered a quiet insult, raised her hand and made an obscene gesture at him. Then Teddy stalked off and disappeared into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

"She's like an angel," Nathan muttered sarcastically and went off to eat breakfast.

Ten minutes later, Teddy was entering the kitchen sporting a blue jacket, aqua tennis shorts and a pair of galaxy patterned Adidas rubber shoes, her red-tipped honey-colored hair swept up into a ponytail.

"Why are you wearing a jacket?" Nathan demanded as he stuck his spoon in his cereal. "It's blazing hot outside. You'll be roasted alive."

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