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Hi guys:) Some announcementsss

First of all, thank you to everyone who read PMTG. It was my first serious story. By "serious" I mean the first story I actually took seriously and finished. This was the story that started as an idea like all my other failed attempts, but this actually took root and grew into the amazing tale of two amazing people.

Anyway, back to the announcement lol.

I will be rewriting PMTG but not here on Wattpad. Instead I'll be writing it outside of Wattpad because I feel like this story is still incomplete.

Things I'll Be Changing:

1) Nathan and everyone else in Australia will be from New York (City) instead of Australia. Ok, I've never been to Australia and I don't know what it's like there and I know NYC a lot more than I know Australia. Plus NYC has a subway which is a train which suits the theme of PMTG more, I guess.

2) A lot less kissing. I'm going to take things slower. Teddy will also be in NYC (Australia) longer so that their relationship can actually develop properly.

3) A lot of new characters. I'm planning to turn this into one of those stories with a lot of characters experiencing the same story. So I'll be adding two more major characters. Teddy will be having a best friend named Heron (a guy) but they'll just be friends. Nathan will have a volunteering partner named Rey (girl) but still they're just friends. Want to know more about them? They're pretty interesting (in my head hahaha).

4) Ivan will be Teddy's friend from the start instead of them meeting at a tennis party. This will actually let Ivan's crush on Teddy make more sense.

5) More background on each character. I'll be giving each of them more memories to make them feel real. Like Nathan having more of drug therapy/rehab and Teddy having more time with her aunt. I'll also have a prologue of little Teddy and Nathan hahaha they're so cute. Fox's last name will be changed. Harvey doesn't sound villain-y lol.

6) More of Ivan and Hayley. Because why not they're adorable. So like more subtle hints that they like each other.

7) It will be a trilogy woo. The first book will be PMTG followed by the story of Heron and Rey (the two major characters I mentioned previously) then the story of all four of the major cast together (Teddy, Nathan, Heron and Rey).

8) Any more changes you guys want to see?

As for a PMTG sequel, I'm thinking whether I should still post it here or not... Not sure.

But that's it for now. More updates to come (probably)!

Love you all <3 <3

- Kara

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