28: Please mind the plan (part 2)

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28: Please mind the plan (part 2)

--- Teddy's earrings in media section ---

In the end, it became a three-pronged operation. Hayley was to go to a jewelry shop while Andrew, Brent and Keith would be at various stores nearby. Meanwhile, Nathan would be at headquarters, meaning he would remain with Teddy, fulfilling his promise that he would be back soon, and would demand frequent reports from his friends.

"You'd think that we're devising a plan to save the world," Keith grumbled while Nathan wrote down the list of what the guys were to buy.

Andrew, Keith and Brent stood to go, clutching their lists. "And don't forget the DVD!" Nathan called to their retreating backs.

"Okay, Hay, send me your top choices," Nathan turning to Hayley who had already asked her boss if she could leave her shift for a bit.

"Necklace or bracelet, what do you think?" Hayley asked him, smoothing down her green hair. "I, personally, would love a necklace but it's up to you."

"Something not cliche, knowing Teddy," he said decisively. "No heart lockets and engraved pendants with I love you on them. Off we go..."

They exited the cafe and parted ways, Hayley to the left and Nathan to the right, back to his house.


"Oi, Ted, I'm back. Wake up."

Teddy blinked and opened her eyes to see Nathan's bright green eyes staring down at her. She was lying sprawled on the sofa after deciding to take a nap while Nathan was doing his so-called errands for his mum which she was sure were not errands for his mum at all.

"Oh, good of you to be back," she grumbled, sitting up. Nathan grinned at her and sat down beside her, his brown hair rumpled in every which way. "Where've you been?"

"Checking stuff out at the grocery," he said hastily. "Look, I brought you a muffin." And so he had.

Teddy took the muffin from his hands and bit into it without asking. "So, what are your plans for the day?"

Nathan seemed to freeze like a deer in the headlights. "Oh, um, I dunno. I was thinking we could watch Harry Potter later..."

Teddy's heart lifted. He really did seem to know her inside out. "That would be great!" she said enthusiastically. "Although, I prefer Star Wars..."

His smile seemed to fade just a bit.

"Just kidding, I love Harry Potter more," she said, laughing at his expression.

He exhaled, looking relieved. What's he up to? Teddy wondered suspiciously, scrutinizing his face.

"We could watch The movie and have some popcorn," Teddy suggested.

"That would be nice." Nathan smiled. "Remember when you first came here, my parents were acting like complete idiots and throwing popcorn all over the place?"

Teddy felt a comforting warmth as she reminisced how Ethan and Natalie were watching a surfing competition on TV and the moment she walked in, they had jumped to their feet, throwing the popcorn and doing a happy dance. She gave a small laugh. "I do. And when they were trying to curse me in Zulu?"

"That was just Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in Zulu, you know," Nathan replied. He looked almost nostalgic. "It's like you've been with us forever."

Her stomach lurched uncomfortably. "It's only been a few weeks..."

"I know, but I mean..."

Please Mind The Gap #1Where stories live. Discover now