11: Please mind the excessive testosterone

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11: Please mind the excessive testosterone

-- pic of Nathan in the media section ---

Teddy somehow found herself in some guy's house with four other guys including Nathan Wren.

After the volunteering project, Nathan and Teddy went back to Nathan's house only to find Nathan's parents gone. The Nathan texted something over to Natalie and after receiving a reply, they hit the road and wound up in Nathan's friend's house just nearby.

Apparently Nathan asked his mother if they could stay there until his parents got back from wherever they were.

And now Teddy was surrounded by four male teenagers giggling together like children.

She sighed mentally. This is what I do, she thought, touching her bandaged forehead absently. After performing an act of worldly good, I sit with four guys pointlessly. Oh, my bloody life.

"So, Ted," said one guy named Keith, ruffling his already messy hair. He was hitting on her, she knew, and didn't like it one bit. "How's London?"

"So, Keith," she replied with mock cheerfulness. "Would you want a fist in your face?" She balled up her fingers and shook it at him to make a point.

He stopped flirting after that. Nathan nudged Teddy with his shoulder. "Be nice," he whispered.

Teddy groaned inwardly. "Where are your parents, anyway?"

"Do you really have to know?" Nathan asked in an unusually harsh voice. Then he shook his head. "Sorry."

She looked suspiciously at him when Keith and the two other guys, Brent and Andrew, burst out laughing. They all had evil looks on their faces. Men, Teddy thought exasperatedly.

"You wanna play Never Have I Ever?" Andrew, the thin geeky-looking one, asked devilishly. Then he, Keith, and Brent started guffawing all over again.

Nathan lifted a nonchalant shoulder and agreed. Teddy narrowed her eyes warily then said, "Fine, I'll play your stupid game."

Agreeing was a very fatal mistake.

Never Have I Ever was probably the stupidest game ever invented. Someone started with a category such as "Never Have I Ever smoked weed" or "Never Have I Ever slapped a guy" and so on. And if you've never done any of those things, you downed a shot and if you were totally innocent, you'd end up drunk halfway through the game.

And so Keith, who owned the house, made his way to the kitchen then came back with a huge glass bottle of tequila and four tiny shot glasses. He handed each a glass then kept one for himself.

"I'll start," Keith announced. "Never Have I Ever had sex."

The bottle of alcohol was handed around, and everyone except Nathan and Andrew poured themselves a shot.

"You?" said Teddy to Andrew in dismay, unable to stop herself. He looked so geeky with a gamer tee and broken glasses. It was hard to imagine him moaning in ecstasy while waving his clothes in the air. "You've had sex?"

He shrugged, grinning cockily, and Teddy then knew that you could never know what to expect from boys.

She drank her shot along with Keith and Brent. The alcohol burned her throat. She gagged.

"Andrew next," Brent said.

"Never Have I Ever nearly died," Andrew said.

Nathan, Keith, and Brent drank shots while Teddy and Andrew stayed put.

"You've nearly died?" Keith asked Andrew questioningly.

"A doctor gave me the wrong dosage of an injection," he replied. "Nearly died."

Teddy shook her head. "You, Andrew, are just..." She didn't continue.

Then it was her turn to dictate. "Never Have I Ever been abroad."

This time, Andrew drank a shot along with Brent. "Nathan's turn," Teddy said, beginning to like the game. Maybe agreeing wasn't so bad after all.


Ten shots and a stinging throat later, Teddy woozily blinked her eyes and slurred, "Caaaan we plaaay a differeent gaaaaame?"

"Ture, Sheddy," Keith replied, squinting through half-lidded eyes. "I mean, sure, Teddy."

"How 'bout Truth and Dare?" Andrew said. He was talking quite clearly meaning he wasn't as innocent as everyone expected him to be. "I go first."

"Noooowaay," Brent drawled. "Meeee."

Brent pointed a finger at Nathan who smiled dazedly back at him. "I dare youu to kiisss Brit over thereee."

And suddenly Teddy became sort of more awake. "What?"

"Kiss herrr," Brent insisted then promptly lost consciousness and curled up on the floor. Keith was already out cold, and Andrew looked like he was about to pass out as well.

Nathan scooted closer to Teddy. "Just so you knooow, Teed. I really liiiike youuu."

Teddy's drunken heart started beating a little faster. "Oh er..."

Nathan leaned in and caught her lips in a soft kiss. She gasped a little and on instinct pulled him closer to her. He laughed and kissed her harder, desperately, as if this was all he ever wanted to do. And Teddy could taste the sweetness of the tequila, and smell the laundry soap of his shirt she was grasping in her fingers. She kissed him back with equal fierceness until he broke away, inhaling deeply.

He smiled a crooked smile, and said in a wavering voice, "That was nice." And he collapsed along with the rest of the boys.

Teddy let out a giggle and suddenly she felt her eyes droop downwards, as if gravity were pulling them down. So nice... to sleep... So nice... Nathan had said it was nice... Nice to rest a little, maybe. Maybe she could just close her eyes for a little bit... they felt so heavy. She felt so heavy... Nice to curl up beside Nathan... Just for a little bit...

She felt like she was floating as she fell to the floor beside the boy she just kissed. Just a peaceful, contented sort of darkness enveloped her as she fell into a deep sleep. She felt nice all over and then she felt nothing at all. And Teddy's mind was just wiped blank, just for a little while as she closed her eyes and lost all thought.



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-pixaresque <3

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