8: Please mind the concussion (due to bloody surfing)

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8: Please mind the concussion (due to bloody surfing)

--- trailer by enchanted- ---

Teddy's view of the world was blurry and vague. She saw everything as unidentifiable bits and blobs. And she didn't know where she was and how she got there.

She heard a voice speaking, muffled, as if the speaker was chewing cotton balls while talking. The voice sounded familiar. And it sounded worried. She strained her ears and realized the voice belonged to a guy, not a girl. To Nathan. Wait, who was Nathan? Her mind went blank for a second then she remembered. Nathan Wren.

A second voice filled the air. A female one, much older than Nathan. Teddy didn't know who it was. Then a third person started talking, deep voice and sounding slightly angry. This was a man. Ethan, Nathan's father.

Teddy blinked her eyes and the world slowly came into focus. She was lying down on a soft surface. A bed, her head resting on a plump pillow. She lifted her head, which was throbbing terribly, and saw she was wearing a hospital gown. She continued looking around. White and dull blue walls, lots of medical equipment, curtains on her left and right. The effing hospital. She was in the effing hospital.

And it all came crashing down on her. The surfing and the drowning and her world going dark like a curtain falling down at the end of a play. An image of Nathan's face swam before her in her mind and waves of anger washed through her.

"BLOODY HELL," she remarked in a loud voice, and the three people conversing seriously in front of her bed swiveled their heads to look at her. "WHY AM I IN THE HOSPITAL?"

Nathan's annoying face actually looked apologetic. His dark hair was ruffled and sticking up the back, clumped together like it didn't dry properly. "Ted, look..."


"Erm, dear, please lie back down and relax," a woman in a white doctor's coat piped up. Her face was sinking behind large white glasses. Her tag read 'MARISSA JONES M.D.' Her lips were pursed, her expression serious. "I'm Doctor Jones and you're in the emergency room. You've just had a slight concussion, so you may feel a slight bump and cut on your forehead that we've patched up a bit, don't worry. Now that you're awake, I'll ask you some simple questions to check if your brain is still functioning properly, and is unaffected by the concussion."

Teddy stared and felt the bandage on her forehead. "Alright."

"First question: what is your full name?" asked Dr. Jones.

"Teddy Greene Errol."

"How old are you?"


"Where do you live?"

"London, the United Kingdom."

Please Mind The Gap #1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang