26: Please mind the rainbow sprinkles

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26: Please mind the rainbow sprinkles

--- yummy donuts in the media ---

Nathan was downright panicking. His sister had just resurrected, his arch nemesis was being questioned yet again by the police, and his parents were inside Enalie's room with him talking to the doctors, hungry for the truth.

"I'll leave you for a bit, Mr. and Mrs. Wren," Doctor Emery said soberly and left the room, scribbling on a clipboard.

"Nathan Wren," Ethan said dangerously, all his cool-dad composure melting away. "Explain to us what happened. Now."

"You told us Enalie fell off by accident," Natalie said, her eyes flashing. "But she told us something a little different from what you've said. I've said many times not to go on that roof—"

"Mum!" Nathan interrupted. "Okay. I get it!" He took in a deep breath, letting the air fill his lungs reassuringly. "I'll tell you everything."

And so he told them everything.


Hayley's right ear was pressed to the door, listening to the Wrens' argument.

"Whoa, his life story's intense," she said in awe. "Do you know about this? I mean, obviously you do. How does he look so amazing all the time? I mean not as amazing as Tsakorov but—"

"Hayley, it's rude to eavesdrop," Teddy said from the gray hospital bench, scrolling through her messages. "And you're driveling." She had five missed calls from Aunt Tess and a gazillion messages all saying:

Aunt Tess

>Hey, Teddy Bear, what's up?
>Where are you, dear?
>Are you busy? Why aren't you answering?
>Teddy, I'm getting worried about you.
>I've called you four times already and it's going straight to voice mail!
>Teddy Errol, fifth missed call! What's going on there, young lady? You usually answer all your calls from me.
>I know you're annoyed when I call you but please call or text back!!!

Teddy tapped in a text.

>Hey Aunt Tess. Sorry for not answering. A lot of things have been happening lately. Loads of drama. Don't be mad. I was just really busy.

The text came in a few seconds later.

>Teddy, tell me exactly what's been going on in Australia.

She thought for a moment. Lots of things have been going on. Teddy saw what the texts she'd send would say.

> Aunt Tess, so much has been going on. I'm being hosted by this amazing family and I've seen so much. I fell in the Tube gap, I nearly drowned while attempting to surf, I've volunteered, I've attended a sort of bachelor party AND I've met IVAN TSAKOROV who I beat in a match.

>And there's this boy, my friend, Nathan Wren. He's a wonderful guy and I don't want to leave him. He's told me so much and he's changed so much. I think I'm... I'm in love with him. There's so much to tell you, it would take a million messages. I'm with him now in the hospital. He's visiting his little sister. And he met his sort of long lost enemy so there's been a fight. Don't worry Aunt Tess. I'm all right.  Everything's fine. Sorry for not answering:)

She stared at her screen. It was blank. She shook her head and tapped out a completely different text.

> I'm just with a friend I met here in Australia. He's visiting his sister in the hospital. Don't worry. Sorry for not answering, I've been really busy.

Please Mind The Gap #1Where stories live. Discover now