7: Please mind the Australian waves

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7: Please mind the Australian waves

--- cover/banner by @dangervous ---

Nathan could tell Teddy was scared but didn't want to show it. She was muttering to herself that morning, wringing her hands and fidgeting as they were eating breakfast. His mom and dad had gone off to the hospital already.

"Don't worry, Ted," he said to her bracingly. "They're just waves. Don't be scared."

"I'm not scared!" she snapped.

"Ah," he added dramatically. "You must know, Australia has a most diverse species of poisonous and life-threatening aquatic animals.  Such as box jellyfish, bull sharks, blue-ringed octopus, other poisonous things that cause a slow and painful death as you are thrown off your surfboard and into the huge waves..."

She blanched. Then she mustered a fierce glare at him then ran off to Enalie's room and slammed the door.

Nathan smirked and went up to his own room to change into his swim shorts.

Half an hour later, Teddy had not yet emerged from her room.

"TED!" Nathan knocked loudly on her door.

"BROWNIE!" she shouted back. "SHUT UP!"

"OKAY!" he hollered. The other side went quiet, from shock, he guessed. "LET'S NOT DO IT BECAUSE YOU'RE AFRAID!" He could now picture her fuming, exhaling smoke and breathing out fire.

"I'm not afraid," her voice snarled. He could also imagine her punching a hole right through the door.

"Then let's surf! What's the bloody problem?" he tried to conceal the smile growing on his face.

The door burst open, and Teddy emerged. She made a rude gesture and went inside once more. When she came out, she was wearing a dark crimson bikini under a summer-y cover up.

"Reverse psychology," he told her. "Who knew, right?"

"Can we just go?" she groaned and Nathan had to reveal his smile.


After strapping two surfboards to the car's hood, Teddy boarded the backseat while Nathan revved up the car. Alright, so she was feeling scared. Honestly, after watching Soul Surfer...

Nathan whistled while he drove the silver car to the beach.

"Where have your parents gone?" Teddy asked curiously after about a quarter of an hour.

"Off," he answered vaguely.

"Oh, so they left you the car?"

"They took a taxi."

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