20: Please mind the... Goddamn it, just wake up!

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20: Please mind the... Goddamn it, just wake up!

--- banner by me ---

Teddy raced over to Nathan's side, bending over him to check if he was still breathing.

"Crap," she muttered frantically. "Brownie, goddamn it, just wake up!"

She held up two fingers to check his pulse on his wrist. She fumbled for a grip on his hand, and pressed her fingers down on his skin.

Teddy almost collapsed with relief. He was alright. The steady rhythm of his pulse told her so. He was just taking a nap. He was fine.

Nathan groaned and shifted in his bed, his fingers curling unconsciously around hers. She froze, not wanting to wake him, but it was too late. His eyes flickered open and he sluggishly rubbed his face with the hand that wasn't holding hers.

"Teddy?" He croaked. His grip on her tightened. "Jesus, I'm sorry."

"Shut up," Teddy commanded. "And don't say sorry. It's both our faults. We both have points that should be taken into consideration. I kind of understand where you're coming from but don't you see? You'll never be just another person in my life. No matter how much you distance yourself from me, I'll never forget you. It'll only hurt me more."

She looked down at their hands clasped together, fingers interlocked. It was done unconsciously, almost as a reflex.

"I just don't want you to be sad when you go back, Ted," he said gently, stroking the back of her hand.

Teddy swallowed, and said tentatively, "Nathan, I-" I should tell him. I should tell him what Natalie told me about Enalie...

Her thoughts were interrupted when Nathan slid his hands in her hair and kissed her on her lips. She let out a muffled gasp of surprise against his mouth as his lips moved frantically against hers. Finally, she recovered from the initial shock of the kiss, and kissed him back, their mouths moving in perfect sync. With the same hunger and desire.

Nathan smiled and pulled her down on top of him, onto his bed. Teddy collapsed against his body as they continued to kiss in a whirlwind of warmth and textures and sensations. She slid her hands under his shirt, feeling his smooth flat stomach as she let her fingers glide across his golden skin. He made a noise and pulled her closer to him, and started trailing kisses down her neck.

Teddy suddenly broke away from the intense kiss and got off of Nathan. He looked at her questioningly."Wait. We have to stop," she exhaled, slightly breathless.

He looked worriedly at her. "What's wrong?" His concerned green eyes melted her heart and she hated that she had to tell him the bad news about Enalie.

"I have something to tell you." She cringed a little, dreading to say the words. "I talked to Natalie down in the kitchen and I asked..."

She took a deep breath. "They'll be taking Enalie off life support."

Nathan stared at her blankly. "They'll be what?"

"Taking her off life support." Teddy wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "She asked me to tell you. I'm sorry."

Nathan stared at his hands, closing his eyes in pain. "I could have done more for her," he whispered, his voice overflowing with regret.

"And you can do that," Teddy said, "by making sure to stay your changed self. You can remain a good person. You can make her proud."

Nathan closed his eyes and Teddy watched as a single crystal tear snaked down his cheek. "I loved her so much, I didn't want to hurt... I never meant to hurt her."

Please Mind The Gap #1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu