25: Please mind Fox's story

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25: Please mind Fox's story

--- Nathan Wren in media section ---

They bounded down to Fox's room where Hayley was waiting for them.

"Oh, you're back," Hayley said delightedly. "Finally. I thought you were making out in a hospital room or something."

Nathan stared at her and started stuttering. "What, no, erm-"

"What he meant to say," Teddy cut him off before he could start driveling, "was 'we didn't make out in a hospital room, we made out in a bathtub'."

"Really?" Hayley said incredulously.


She waved a dismissive hand at them. "Whether you made out in a bathtub or not, Fox wants to talk to Nathan."

"Really?" It was Teddy's turn to say that. "I thought you hated each other."

"Well we do," Nathan said. He reconsidered the situation. "Actually, I do. I don't know about him."

"Is it possible that you two will end up together?" Hayley said dreamily. She snapped out of it when she realized Nathen and Teddy were staring at her with the same she's-weird stare. "You know," she said. "You two are so couple goals."

Nathan sneaked a furtive glance at Teddy.  "We- we're not officially together yet."

"So is this some sort of hook-up?" Hayley said.

"HAYLEY," interjected Teddy loudly. "FOX. Remember?" Nathan hid a smirk.

Smooth, he thought. Out loud he began, "You know what? I'll just get this over with. Come on."

Hayley rolled her eyes and coughed. Her cough sounded like an exasperated, "boys".

She lead them further through the halls and finally stopped in front of a white door.  "Here goes."

She opened the door and said, "Harv, Nathan and Teddy are here."

A soft, raspy voice answered Hayley's call. Nathan swallowed nervously. "I just want to talk to Nathan, not to the girl."

Teddy huffed and left the room. "Fine." Hayley gave Fox a look and followed Teddy out, leaving the two boys, the two rivals together.

"Happy to see my black eye?" Fox rasped at Nathan. Nathan tightened his jaw.

"In a way," he replied cautiously. "You wanted to talk to me?"

"I just wanted to say sorry." Fox smiled wanly. "I'm a huge jerk, aren't I?"

"It takes more than a sorry to make up for what you've done, for what you turned me into." Nathan balled his hands into fists. "Drugs! Where the hell did you get them?" He steeled himself. "You do know that I'm turning you over."

A look of fear crossed Fox's face, so brief that Nathan though he imagined it. Fox had been the leader. Brave Fox. Daring Fox. Whatever Fox did, the boys did. Wherever he went, they went. Nathan just realized what he was after what happened to Enalie.

He was a coward.

"It was just drugs, mate—"

Nathan snapped. "Just drugs!" He snarled, surging towards the other fair haired boy. "My sister was in a coma for half the year and it was because of me! What you gave me!"

Fox looked shocked but Nathan knew better. "Don't pretend to feel sorry for me." There was ice underneath Fox that could not be melted. He could see it through the boy's cruel blue eyes. "I'm going to go now."

Please Mind The Gap #1Where stories live. Discover now