23: Please mind the hospital

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Wanna have a glimpse of what four-year old Nathan Wren was like? Read on, mwahahaha:)

*dances tango*

I don't know how to dance tango. Lol ok bye.


23: Please mind the hospital

--- pic of Hayley in the media section ---
--- Barney's song in the media section ---

"You know," Hayley said beside Teddy as Ivan and his guard carried Fox and laid him on the hospital bed. Nathan had disappeared the moment they had set foot in the hospital. Teddy didn't follow him. He needed time. "We never got properly introduced to each other," Hayley continued.

"I'm Teddy Errol," Teddy said, snapping out of her thoughts. "And you're Hayley, I know."

"Hayley Torres," the other girl said. She was quiet for a while before she spoke again. "Harvey isn't a bad guy."

"Fox - Harvey - whatever he's called, hurt Nathan a lot." Teddy swallowed and watched as a nurse clothed in a pristine white uniform passed the the two girls. The nurse paused and glanced at Teddy.

"I know you," the nurse said, as she checked Fox's pulse. "You're the girl who the Wrens brought here. Surfing accident?"

"You practically know everyone," Teddy said sarcastically. "You... Wait. You know the Wrens?"

"Sure," the nurse shrugged as she scribbled something on a crimson clipboard. "The young man's sister is confined here. Very sad."

"You know where she is?" Teddy said suddenly, feeling a rush of realization. Of course that was where Nathan had vanished off to! Stupid me.

"Certainly. They always go to the 6th floor," the nurse replied, busying herself with attending to Fox's wound. "Just look for, er, Doctor Emery's room? That's room 612 or 613, I'm not entirely sure."

"Thank you," Teddy rushed out before realizing that Hayley was gaping at her. "Oh, Hayley, sorry, I need to go to Nathan, alright? Just for a bit."

"'A bit' my arse," Hayley scoffed. "You'll probably take six hundred sixty-six hours but who cares? That Nathan guy's freaking hot."

Teddy laughed, genuinely, at Hayley's curt reply. "Thanks, Hayley."

"Just call me Hay," she shrugged.

Teddy shrugged and shook hands with her new friend and bolted out in search of her unofficial boyfriend.


"Hi," Nathan said pointlessly to his unconscious sister. It really did look like she was sleeping except she might actually sleep forever by the end of the week. "Lia, I'm sorry," he croaked, using his nickname for Enalie. It was a thing between them, when he was trying to teach her how to say her name when she was young.

"Say 'Enalie'," Nathan says, his four-year old self encouraging his younger sister.

Enalie gives a burst of laughter, a bubble of the purest joy. Her thin reddish strands are sticking out all over the place.

"Lee-Lee," she repeats and shrieks happily.

"No," he corrects. "E-NA-LIE."

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