14: Please mind the tennis party thing

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14: Please mind the tennis party thing

--- mood board banner by @-bibliosmia ---

"Nathan," Teddy said tentatively. "Er, there's a tennis party... thing tomorrow. And I was wondering if you could come with me. They said Ivan Tsakorov is going to be there."

"Tsakorov?" Nathan said incredulously. "He's the BEST tennis player EVER."

Teddy laughed at his enthusiam. "I'll take that as a yes?"

They were lying side by side on the rooftop, their bodies pressing against each other. They watched the as the sun set in streaks of gold, indigo, and deep night sky blue.

"That's a yes," Nathan said clearly. He placed a finger on her honey strands and traced the highlights in her hair absently. Teddy moved involuntarily closer to him, yearning for his warmth and gentle breathing.

"Dress up though," she said, smirking. "You can't bloody enter the party looking like that."

"What's wrong with this?" Nathan asked, genuinely confused as he looked at his loose shirt and beach shorts.

Personally, Teddy thought, he could go to the party in a garbage bag and still look amazing. However, she replied, "You really want Ivan Tsakorov to see you like this."

"Whatever." Nathan grinned. "Look, Teddy..." his face grew solemn. Teddy looked questioningly at him. "What are we?"

Teddy shrugged. "We're just us."

"No. I mean... Do...do you lo-?"

"Love?" Teddy echoed his unfinished statement. "I... I..." She exhaled. "I don't know."

Nathan hesitated. Then he gave a small nod. "Teddy..."

He wasn't able to finish because Teddy had rolled on top of him and had started kissing him on the lips.

He responded quickly, holding her tightly around her waist, and she smiled against his mouth as he whispered her name in between kisses. Their kissing became more desperate, hungrier. Teddy moved her hands under his shirt, over his stomach and his chest, moving in small circles across his skin. He groaned and pulled her closer to him, tugging at the hem of her own shirt.

Hesitantly, Nathan started placing a trail of kisses down her neck to her collarbone. She inhaled the scent of him; of him and the cool night breeze that blew past them.

The sudden zephyr snapped them out of their fantasy of kissing and moonlight, and they slowly pulled away from each other. Teddy was slightly breathless.

"Um..." Nathan stammered, his cheeks were flushed with a light red. "Er..."

"I like you, I don't really know if I love you. Now will you dress up properly for Tsakorov?" Teddy said snidely.

Nathan nodded mutely and she laughed.


Please Mind The Gap #1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt