Day 1 of "School"

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Lotus and I groaned as our alarms went off. We just spent the past couple weeks getting stronger in the game quirk. I was tired from learning the ways to fight, use my Dao, haki, chi or whatever it's called to fight. Lotus was tired from that and him flirting with every female npcs who reject him each time. It was funny at first before it became sad. After getting ready for class we rode the city bus to UA. I wanted to go by car but we didn't know if UA had student parking.

We headed into room 1-A only for me to groan as Bakugo was arguing with the blue haired jerk from the Entrance Exam. We hid our presence the best we could, without being suspicious, as we headed for what we would claim as our seats. Once we were seated of course both would suddenly notice us. Bakugo tried to threaten me as the blue hair attempted to apologize for being a bit of a jerk during the exam. Bluebell just growled and both shut up. Bakugo protected his crotch which I couldn't help but snicker at.

I noticed Eraser Head in a weird yellow sleeping bag crawl in like a worm. Of course he saw I noticed and his eyes glowed red causing +99 to fill my vision. To reply I grabbed a book and pretended to read it as I rubbed Bluebells belly. Lotus didn't notice him but was quiet luckily. Eventually a girl noticed him and screamed, "Giant Bug!!" This made everyone look and scatter to their seats realizing it's a person.

Aizawa somehow stood up in the sleeping bag and spoke as if he hasn't slept in weeks, "Horrible start. You took 10 seconds to quiet down after a couple minutes of only one of you noticing me. Anyways put these on and head to the field." He tossed all of us exercise uniforms and rolled out the door. Lotus and I quickly ran to the locker room to change with the class following us a few seconds later. I quickly changed in there only stopping when a grape haired midget found a peep hole. He wanted to peek at the girls but I kicked him in the family jewels launching him into the ceiling and keeping him up there.

As I glared at him my hair changed into dark green grapes. "You better straighten up or I'll use your quirk to keep you unable to do anything. Do you understand?" The boy quickly nodded the best he could before I removed a grape from my head, shaped it into a sword and sliced the couple grapes keeping him in the air coating him in some odd slippery fluid. He finished changing while sliding around. Honestly kinda funny, didn't help that most of the boys wanted to push him around as if he was a soccer ball.

After all the boys were changed I had the pervert grab one of his grapes. As he held it I turned the sword into a grabber and dragged him out to the field. Aizawa looked at me and him, "Why is he wet and what happened to your hair?" Lotus answered for me, "The wet pervert found a peep hole, Izuku launched him onto the ceiling via kick to the jewels, and then used the copy to get him down and get him here. Apparently his sticky grapes are filled with super grease."

This made the underground hero sigh before we started a set of exercises allowing quirk usage. I of course copied everyone's quirk and made op versions of them. Iidas was fun for the 50yard dash as I grew engines on my legs, back, and arms while my feet grew wheels which let me get it done in one second. For the laps until we couldn't anymore, I copied a girl who literally made a motorcycle. With her quirk I made a hover board and then used a mix of Bakugo and some red and white haired kids quirk to create explosion powered momentum. Using a mix of ice and fire as guiding cones to the explosions I moved quickly. Lotus was the only one to keep going with me since his plant quirk did let him keep going as long as he had water and sunlight. We kept going until Aizawa got annoyed.

When it came to the side to side jumps I mimicked the pervert. Using two grapes I made them into bouncy walls and used a third to make me a slicker before I bounced between the walls at a very fast speed. I actually caused a few sonic booms. The strength test I had fun using creation, sugar dude, multi-arm, and a guy able to harden into a rock. I completely broke the tester which was a bit surprising because the handle was demolished. Aizawa just glared at me for that one saying if I broke another item I am paying for it.

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