Chapter One - The Surprise

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Technically I was a surprise, a accident, a oopsy daisy. My parents marriage was a rocky marriage, in hindsight most people said it should never have happened but if it didn't then My brothers and I wouldn't be here. So I think it's a bit of a catch 22, damned either way. Personally despite how things ended I'm glad that I'm here and those of my brothers. Anyway, how did I come to be? Well from what i hear my parents were arguing a normal thing for them at the time they constantly argued, how they had my brothers some people will never figure it out...well apart from duty. Off track again, they were arguing, drunk this time coming back from a royal event and well they just ended up in bed together. Let me emphasise this to you how it was to me. THEY WERE EXTREMELY DRUNK and PISSED OFF with each other yet some how they did it and then, well this happened.

Baby Number 3!, Royal Couple expect 3rd Child!, Happy News for Charles and Diana!

Well the last one makes it obvious who my parents are. His Royal Highness Charles Prince of Wales and his then wife Diana Princess of Wales. Like I implied I wasn't planned, My family and country already had the heir and the spare to speak, so there wasn't a nickname title for me to have other than Surprise! Neither the less when I was born my Dad and Mom got the daughter they low key wanted. Even though we were all loved equally

January 12th 1990 I was born. It's a girl! Girl for Prince and Princess of Wales! Little Princess!

Princess Aurora Elizabeth Frances Anne

I know it's very fairytale but would you expect any less? My Parents lasted a further two years before formally separating, for me that's what I grew up knowing, them not being together but having me, it was a different thing for William and Harry. But I didn't know or remember any different. Just before I turned seven they officially divorced and shared custody between them. Roughly a year later I lost my mother in a car crash.

I remember my Dad waking me and my brothers up in the middle of the night and telling us what had happened, I ran out of our room and straight into Granny's arms. That night I made a promise to myself, I would become a daughter to be proud of. At her funeral i walked with my brothers, Grandpa, Dad and Uncle behind her coffin. Inside a small part of me wanted to hide away like it was all a bad nightmare but the ruling part demanded that I do this for my mother.

Growing up without her was vastly different but it eventually became the new normal. Dad mourned the mother of his children but the woman he loved was still very much alive, Camilla tried her best with me, I was cordial and respectful though not always welcoming. I kind of had to be though. When I was 15 Dad and Camilla married.

---November 2005---

I was called in to see Granny, I was brought from school and made drive to Buckingham Palace. Waiting a few minutes after my arrival I was brought into see her, curtsying slightly I smiled

"Aurora." Granny was stood when I came in.

"Granny." I greeted and then went over to kiss her cheek which she returned. She gestured for me to sit down.

"How is school, my dear?" She wondered

"School is school. Though I found love in sports, aside from horse riding I found that I'm enjoying swimming, archery and there was a class in martial arts but sadly that was quickly removed." I answered, she gave a raise of the eyebrow.

"Marital arts you say, how unique." I chuckled and nodded "Did you enjoy it though."

"Throughly, it gives you a sense of empowerment sometimes that's in short supply." I smirk "But I know you Granny, you didn't just call me over to talk about school."

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