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I very much wish I could forget 
The reason behind things I did 
I want to forget the things I said 
The things I made say and things I did 

But it doesn't matter how hard I try 
Thinking about it brings it back 
The more I don't, the more I do 
I hear it always call me back 

Even on days it's off my mind 
Something brings it back to life 
I'm reminded that I forgot 
Then I remember what I forgot 

And the cycle starts again 
I try to forget it all again 
The I remember it all again 
The more I try, the more the pain 

Because unless I stop trying 
I will never forget 
It'll always be in my conscious 
There to try and make me regret 

But regret I shall never do 
For I've accepted my actions 
I just don't want to remember 
Specific deeds and actions 

The Darkness Within: Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now