Fools Tonight

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Shall we drink away our sorrows with a hot cup of tea?
Let's raise a toast to our lives in the dead of winter deep
And give three cheers to sadness, and especially unto grief
Let's raise our mugs with a heartfelt cry and wash down all our guilt

Shall we drink away our sorrows with a hot cup of tea?
Let's wash away our regrets by soaking in a big hot tub
Let the fevers run high and our spirits even higher
As we forget this world and all in it, all but love alone

Shall we drink away our sorrows with a hot cup of tea?
Let's close our eyes and cross our legs at the fireplace
Reminiscing about the times when life used to be sweet
Remembering our first love, and what we wish to forget

Shall we drink away our sorrows with a hot cup of tea?
Let's sing and dance the night away like there's no tomorrow
Do you want to talk about what's bothering your soul?
Neither do I, so let us sing and dance like fools tonight

Shall we drink away our sorrows with a hot cup of tea?
Shall we dance away our regrets to the rhythm of the beat?
Here's to the times we wish we could forget
And to all the rhymes we wish were more than words

A toast we make to life, and love, and joy
Here's to the ones we hold dear in our souls
But most of all, we raise a mug of hot brewed catechins, caffeine and amino acids,
Shall we drink away our sorrows with a hot cup of tea?

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