Doubt's A B***h

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I can do this, this is simple.
I can do this.
Just let go, right?
I can do this, I so can do this.
I just gotta hold on tight
First let go, then hold tight
Everything will be alright
I can do this,
This is fine,
I can do this.
Yes, I can.
No tears rolling down my cheeks
I'm not crying on the inside.
I'm not crying, you are.
I'm not crying,
I'm not crying!
I can do this.
This is simple,
It's definitely doable.
It's possible.
I can do this.
I'm just letting go
I'm just holding on
I can do this. 
I can let go
I can hold tight
I can believe it'll be alright
I can do it.
I can do this.


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