
22 3 5

Days are passing me by

I still don't understand why

Do you really see me that selfish?

Am I truly that selfish to you?

I feel like I'm losing my place in this family,

When did I become the villain...?

When did I lose my soul?

Never. I never did.

So why am I singled out?

Why me, why am I so different?

Days are passing me by

I feel like I'm losing track of time

I feel like I'm losing myself...

When did I become the villain...?

Do you truly think of me that way?

...Am I really that bad?

Am I the problem?

Am I it?

Am I the one who's wrong?

Is it all my own stupid fault?

Could I really be that selfish?


When did I become the villain...?

The Darkness Within: Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now