Endless Questions

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Why do I have this weight in my chest?
Why do I have a lump in my throat?
Why is there a knot in my stomach
That I can't seem to digest?

I hate that I'm back to this
I don't know what's wrong
Or what's out of place
But whatever it is, it feels wrong

I can't control what I'm feeling
It's been a while since I last felt this way
I had forgotten the existence of such
Emptiness, weariness, hollowness, pain

I feel numb from feeling so much at once
I'm so done but I must push through
I feel weary of all that's going on now
But I have to go on, that much is true

Can't I take a break from all this pressure?
I'm about to break from all this pressure
I need air, I need room to breathe
But it never ends, now, does it?

I wish but for to know what is
I wish this headache away
Oh but to have such peace of mind
I feel slowly slipping away

Endless questions circle my head
Like vultures, they prey on my mind
On my conscious they seek to feed
And my sanity they seek to find

Endless memories I can't erase
Like knives they glint and shine
Useful tools, deadly weapons
A sharp edge, a cut so fine

Waking, I scream and scream again
I want this gone, I want it gone
I don't know what's going wrong
What is it that I'm doing wrong?

What am I doing wrong?

The Darkness Within: Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now