The Goal

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There is a goal, a destination 
I know there is, deep in my heart 
But I purposefully lost sight of it 
I deliberately walked apart 

I wanted to live besides 
The truth that I've always known 
I decided to try and let go 
Of the right path I'd been shown 

But I know I can't let go 
I know very well I can't go on 
I can't ignore the truth in me 
The truth that leads me on 

I feel I'm going back 
To the way it was before 
But I fear I'm holding back 
Things I don't want to let go 

There are many, many things 
That I've grown familiar with 
But I know, sooner or later, 
I have to leave my comfort zone 

I fear for the love I've come to know 
I fear I just can't let it go 
I'm not willing to say "so long" 
I don't want to: It feels wrong 

I hear a voice calling my name 
A soft melody, a familiar tune 
But I feel something's not the same 
I just cannot sing along 

But I can't escape Him 
No matter where I go, He's there 
In the valley lows, in the darkest depths 
I can't hide: He's everywhere 

Every corner, every bridge, 
Every footstep down the road 
I look and he's there, calling me 
Why do You want me so much? 

I've been trying to avoid 
The way I know to go 
But everywhere I tur to go 
I see what's always been 

You're growing up, leaving those years 
Where things once acceptable- more like pardonable- 
Become things questionable, borderline no-go
And you have to let go of such doings 

You know The Way, The Truth, The Life 
So cease all this unnecessary strife 
Go back to what you know once was 
Go back to your roots, and fix the cause 

Heed her heart, repent my son 
Seek Him first, all will be done 
Do ye this day what need be done 
Thine deed befit His child, my son 

Don't be a people pleaser- it's tough 
Stop trying to show what you don't have 
Everyone can see and they'll all see 
Where you are now, and where you'll be 

The Darkness Within: Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now