Chapter 1: Mondays are the best.

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"Hunny! Wake up! You're going to be late for school!" My mom yelled, shaking me by the shoulders.

"Why?? It's Monday!" I rolled onto my back and looked at her.

"I don't care," My mom stood up and put her hands on her hips, "I still had to go to school after being Luna. Just because you are future Alpha doesn't give you any right to not to go to school!"

"Mom! I'm 20!" I yelled as she walked out of my room, keeping the door open.

"And I'm 40!" She yelled back.

"Mom!" I yelled annoyed, as I rolled out of bed, shut my door and went into my closet looking for an outfit for the day.

Being future Alpha meant that my mom treated me like a child, she would wake me up as though I still had school, tell me I had school, but then teach me how to be Alpha. I already knew how to be Alpha, yet she didn't care.

I picked out a nice white crop top and some ripped blue jeans that covered the rest of my stomach. I then picked out a nice, small, grey cardigan before putting on some socks and leaving my room.

"Mom why do you have to wake me up so early!?" I half yelled half asked as I walked down the stairs.

"Being an Alpha means you must take care of yourself and your pack, you need as much time in the day as possible!" She exclaimed, standing up in from the kitchen table, "And that mean's brushing your hair, and your teeth! I might not have werewolf senses, but I know you did not brush your teeth!"

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes as I turned on my heel and walked back up the stairs.

"Don't give me that attitude young lady!" My mother yelled up the stairs.

I ignored her and walked into my bathroom where I saw my hair did look like a rat's nest. I took my brush and pulled it through my thick brown hair that had some lighter highlights to it. I liked my hair; it always reminded me of my wolf. After I brushed my hair, I brushed my teeth and walked back downstairs, "Better?" I asked.

"Much," My mother smiled, "Now let's start on this lesson.

"Mom, you don't have to call it a lesson. You give me a test, I pass it, I leave and go hang out with friends. It's the same every day, you know I'm ready to be Alpha!"

"Alright, alright," she sat down and looked at me, "Let's switch things up a bit," She gave me a grin that sent shivers down my spine, she may not be a werewolf, but she was strong. "If I told you that there were some rogues outside our territory threatening our warriors, what would you say?"

"Really?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest, "Simple, I would tell my beta and gamma to get one of our strongest warriors over there as I was on my way and leave the others at their posts until I say otherwise. Then, when I arrive at the border of our territory, I would try to convince the rogues to leave, if they don't, or they attack, I would attack with my Beta and Gamma and kill the rogues as they were a danger to our pack," I replied.

My mother sighed, "You are your father's daughter. Alright, go on and talk with your friend or whatever you do," My mother waved me away.

"Thanks mom!" I yelled as I turned towards the front door just to see it open.

"Alpha!" a small female yelled as she came through the door.

"Lucy! It's so great to see you!" I exclaimed giving her a hug.

"What about me?" Liam scoffed walking in.

"Oh please, you're my brother. This, this is my sister," I smirked, "I was going to hang out with my friends, want to join us?"

"Liam and I were going to figure some things out about our ceremony, I normal wo-"

"Say no more," I put a hang out in front of Lucy's face, "Have fun you two!" I exclaimed as I walked past them and grabbed my car keys off a hook and started my car.

"Bye Ellex!" Lucy yelled as I waved to them while getting in my car.

The drive to the packhouse wasn't far, if I wanted too, I could have walked, but if I'm being honest, I was too lazy too. I made it to the packhouse quickly and by the time I got in everyone was calling me Alpha, I wasn't even Alpha yet.

"I told you all, call me Ellex," I smiled walked past everyone, "Plus, I'm not even Alpha yet!" I laughed.

"Ellex!" Bella exclaimed as she flew her arms around me in a big bear hug.

"Bella," I laughed, "what's up?"

"Nothing much, just missed my bestie!" Bella chuckled as she stepped back, and a tall black hair male put his arm around her.

"Di- Yo- No way," I was flabbergasted, "You found your mate!" 

"Yep!" Bella smiled as she looked up at the male.

Bella was about my height, maybe like 5 foot 6 but this male was at least 6 foot 4. He had black hair while Bella had a nice silver color that matched her wolves. Bella would be my Gamma female, I guess I found my Gamma.

"Where is Tristan and Stacy?" I asked, looking around.

"Probably out doing who knows what," Bella responded laughing.

"Oh, don't get that image in my head," I held a hand up covering my eyes, "I don't need to think about my Beta and Beta Female like that."

Bella and the male both laughed.

"Wait! I never introduced you too fully!" Bella exclaimed, "Ellex, this is Oliver, Oliver this is Ellex, our future Alpha and my best friend!"

"Oh, don't be so kind," I joked as I looked at Oliver, "It's nice to meet you, Gamma."

"Please, call me Oliver," Oliver replied, putting out his hand, which I shaked.

"Oh please, if I have the chance to call someone by their position, I will. I would call Bella Gamma Female, but she has tried to kill me before," I chuckled at the memory, "So Oliver... You break Bella's heart I break you," I smiled with anger in my eyes.

"I won't, Alpha," Oliver replied, partly shaken up. I did my job.

"Ellex! I didn't know you would be here!" Tristan exclaimed, Stacy by his side.

"Tristan! Stacy! There you are!" I exclaimed, "I thought you two would be out on a cliff making out or something," I chuckled.

"Ellex!" Stacy yelled.

"Just telling the truth," I smiled, "How about we all go over to my place, we can have a movie day!" I exclaimed.

"Great idea!" The girls squealed.

"I don't know...." Tristian mumbled, "You know how you girls get over popcorn..."

"Popcorn!" I yelled, "We're out of popcorn! Alright new plan, we go buy popcorn go over to my place and watch movies all day and night!"

"Deal!" Stacy exclaimed as she ran out of the packhouse, Bella and I right behind her.

"Those girls..." Tristan laughed as I ran out, his voice fading.

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