Chapter 9: In Charge.

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"Bella!!!!" I screamed, reaching out toward her.

"She'll be ok," Jack sobbed, "Oh goddess what have I done?" he whispered before shifting.

"W-where are you taking me?" I asked, crying.

"Home," He said over a new mind link.

That's when he realized he was taking me to the pack, they were going to kill him.

"I have to make sure you're safe, I can't believe I did this," Jack whispered over the mind link.

I knew it had to be a long run so I let myself drift off to sleep.


"Alpha!!" A wolf woke me up, shaking me, "Oh goddess you're alive!!"

"O-of course I am," I coughed, I sat up and looked around for Jack, "Where's Jack?"

"Jack? That traitor!?" The female asked.

"You mean my mate, your future Luna?" I asked in a sharp tone, "If you did anything to him I swear you'll meet-"

"I'm right here," Jack coughed, "Now don't go killing anyone," He chuckled.

"You're safe for now," I looked at the female and smiled, I walked over to Jack, "Are you ok? Why are you coughing?"

"My wolf is tired from running with you on his back," He chuckled, "He'll be fine, we just need to rest."

"Right of course!" I looked around and spotted Tristan, "Tristan!"

"Yes, Alpha?" Tristan asked, stepping forward.

"I need you to take Jack here to my room, I have to make some orders," I smiled.

"Of course Alpha," Tristan nodded toward Jack and started walking towards my house.

"Now, SOMEONE GO FIND BELLA!" I screamed, "I don't care who, follow my scent back, and you'll find a small hut, FIND HER!" Two wolves, some of my best hunters, ran back. I nodded to them as they passed.

"Now there is a new rouge named Deril on the loose, I need someone to go to the BloodRose Pack and find out if he is one of the rouges they have been having troubles with. My mother may be there as well and someone go find my father!" I ordered.

"Yes, Alpha!" The pack scattered, some running towards the hut others going to look for my father.

Tristan walked up to me, "Are you sure you trust Jack?" He asked.

"Of course I do, he saved my life, and he's my mate, your future Luna so I would suggest you listen," I glared and showed my canines at Tristan, and he backed away.

"Right, I'm sorry Alpha. Is there anything else you need from me?" Tristan asked.

"I want you to look around the borders and protect the pack," I responded.

"On it," Tristan smiled, shifted, and ran towards our border.

I started walking towards my house.


"There you are," Jack chuckled as I walked through my door, "How are you feeling, Alpha?"

"Jack you don't have to call me Alpha, I normally don't like the pack even calling me that, but with my parents being missing I have to be in charge," I sighed as I climbed into my bed.

Jack sat on the end of my bed, hesitant to climb in. I nodded and he climbed in behind me, putting an arm around my waist.

"You're a great Alpha," he whispered in my ear, I could feel him smile, but his smile faded quickly.

"I know I am," I chuckled, "I have been training for this my whole life."

"That's what makes you the best," He placed his head on my neck.

"You don't mind becoming a Luna and not an Alpha?" I asked, remembering that he wanted to be Alpha before, as I turned my body and looked at him.

"I have the very first female Alpha as my mate, why would I want to take that away from her?" Jack kissed my cheek.

"Thanks," I smiled.

The door flew open, Tristan... covered in blood, panting.

"Tristan?" I sat up, "What's wrong?"

"Y-Your father," He was struggling to breath.

"What's wrong with my father? Did you find him?" I questioned.

"We found him alright, and your mother...." He paused, fear showing in his eyes, " killing him."


"This can't be true, my mom would never kill my father," I thought as my wolf followed Tristan, Jack close behind me.

Tristan made a fast turn and I followed quickly, I wasn't about to let my dad die.... wait. I stopped in my tracks and shifted.

"What are you doing!?" Tristan asked.

"It's a trick-" I choked.

"What!?" Tristan ran up to me.

"It's not my dad," My eyes widened and I fell tears falling down my face, "It's my brother."

"How do you know?" Jack asked, sitting down next to me.

"Deril found out my dad wanted him to be Alpha didn't he?" I looked at Jack, "They took him out of the picture. When was the last time you saw my brother?" I asked Tristan.

"When... when your parents disappeared, he went into the bunker with his mate," Tristan answered.

"Bring me to the body," I choked, tears falling down my face as I shifted.


Sadly I was right. I was my brother.. if seen from a distance he looked like my dad.

"I'm so sorry," Jack held me as I cried into his chest.

"Why would your mom kill her own son?" Tristan asked.

I looked at him and backed away, my eyes widening.

"Sit down," I ordered. He listened.

"Why do I need to sit down Ellex?" Tristan asked.

"Alpha, that's Alpha to you!" I growled.

"Ellex what are you doing?" Jack asked.

"My brother only looks like my dad from afar.... you have blood on you," I whispered.

Tristan looked shocked at first but then started laughing. He stood up and started slow clapping, "Oh god was that fun!? I guess this is why you're becoming Alpha huh?"

"You were meant to be my Beta, why would you do this!?" I stepped toward him, canines showing.

"Deril promised me something I could never have here," He chuckled.

"Oh yeah!? And what's that!? DEATH!?" I screamed, stepping toward him more until I was looking straight up at him.

"No," He stepped back and put his hands out, "an army," about 50 wolves ran out from the trees.

"Tristan my father isn't a good man! Don't do this!" Jack cried out.

"I don't care what you think!" Tristan yelled, "I would rather have it all than be a Beta," He grinned and shifted.

I looked at Jack who was shifting, shifted, and ran the opposite way.

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