Chapter 11: Torture. Love.

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"What?" Jack questioned me as I stopped.

"Do you see that girl over there?" I gestured toward Lucy, "she was my brother's mate, HE'S DEAD!" I screamed, tears flowing from my eyes as I caught the attention of those around, "MY BROTHER IS DEAD AND YOU THINK I'M NOT GOING TO TORTURE THE ONE THAT KILLED HIM!?!?" I asked, "Think again," I choked and walked away, Jack stayed still.


"Ahh look who," He coughed, "decided to show," He grinned at me.

"Shut up," I grabbed through the metal bars and grabbed his neck, pulling him into them, "If you think I won't kill you, trust me I will, I will never let this go, not only did you break my best friends heart, YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!" I growled, sadness replaced by anger.

"Relax," He was in pain, good.

"RELAX!? YOU WANT ME TO RELAX!? I'LL RELAX WHEN I KNOW YOU'RE DEAD!" I screamed, letting go of him and pulling the lever, lifting the door up, "That might as well be today," I smiled.

"Please, no!" Tristan exclaimed as I lifted him off the ground.

"Ellex don't!" Jack yelled.

"Don't kill the boy that killed my brother? Yeah right!" I dropped Tristan and walked over to Jack, "Why don't you  do the honors, Luna?" I grinned.

"I'm not killing him, if there's anything we should do, is torture him, put him in a room full of metal," Jack grinned back.

"Great idea," I looked at Tristan who was trying to crawl away, "Oh no you don't!" I grabbed Tristan's leg and dragged him into the cell, closing the door, and locking it.

"I'll set the room up," Jack said, "Tomorrow. Let him rest so he can really feel the pain," Jack smiled taking my hand in his, I smiled, looked back, and glared at Tristan.


"You need to rest," Jack sat down on my bed and pat next to him.

"I have too much to do, I can't," I yawned, "Ok, maybe a little nap," I chuckled.

"Good, now come on," Jack pulled the covers on my bed and climbed in.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"You don't think I need a nap too?" He chuckled, holding the covers up so I could climb in. 

"Oh..." I blushed and climbed into the bed, Jack's arm going around my waist.

"Are you ok?" Jack asked, pulling me into him.

"F-fine," I mumbled, trying to stay calm.

"Are you sure? You're shaking, and fumbling your words," Jack moved me to my back and looked at me, "You're red, do you have a fever?" He put his hand up to my forehead, "Doesn't seem like it."

"You-you're just really close," I closed my eyes and turned my head, blushing harder.

"So you're flustered?" He put his hand on my jaw and moved my head to face him, "My little Alpha is flustered," He chuckled, he knew what he was doing.

"W-well of course not! Y-you're my mate! Why, why should I be?" I looked at him, trying to talk normally. This was the first time I was able to be alone with Jack, how could I not have noticed his beautiful gray-green eyes, the way his jaw moved when he talked, the way his hair flipped over his ears, the way his tattoo faded into his skin, and the way his upper lip disappeared when he smiled?

"Then you won't mind if I do this?" Jack pulled me on top of him, my face centimeters from his.

"N-no," I mumbled.

"What about this?" he placed his lips on mine, locking us together. I relaxed. He lifted his lips off of mine, "Do you like that?"

I nodded, smiling a bit, "Yeah," I blushed as I felt his hand on my waist, moving towards my spine.

"Then what if I did it again?" He asked, moving his hand up and down my spine.

"I don't know, why don't you?" I tried bringing my Alpha out but my mate was in control of me now.

"Don't tempt me," He pushed his hand down pushing my body closer to his as he put his other hand right above my ass.

"Why? Don't like being bossed around by your Alpha?" I could see him blushing a bit as I opened my legs, causing his hand to be on me.

"Don't test me, babe, I will mark you right here right now," Jack squeezed with his hand and I winced.

"I don't want a ceremony, why don't you?" I sat up, my legs spread right above his erection.

"Babe stop," Jack whined.

"Why?" I asked, as I moved my hips a bit, Jack moaned a bit.

"I will fuck you right here right now," Jack sat up and held my waist, "Don't try me. I don't care what's going on right now."

"I'll love that," I grinned leaning into him, still moving my hips.

"Fuck it," Jack placed his lips on mine again and pushed his tongue into my mouth, I moaned quietly, "Fuck," Jack started moving his hands toward my breasts.

Jack started playing with my breasts, his tongue moving around in my mount until I lifted my arms up and he pulled my shirt off, stopping our kissing for a second. I let me take his lips off mine as he immediately started sucking on my neck moving down toward my breasts. He started unclipping my bra and took it off, moving to groping one breast with one hand and sucking the other. I wasn't in heat, yet, but this felt so good.

"OH FUCK!" Oliver yelled opening the door.

"Shit," I muttered.

"Sorry!" Oliver yelled from the other side of the door.

"We'll continue this later baby," Jack kissed me again and handed me my bra. I put it on without a wait and grabbed my shirt and Jack went out to apologize to Oliver and talk to him.

"Shit," I mumbled, "I should've locked the door," I put on my shirt and walked out to see Oliver and Jack talking.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that," I chuckled, fixing my hair.

"Y-you're fine Alpha," Oliver looked at Jack and continued talking, "You'll have to become the new Luna soon, you know that, so you have to start acting like one."

"Wait, wait, wait, why soon? I don't become Alpha until I'm 22..." I looked from Jack to Oliver, "What happened to my parents?" I ordered him to answer.

"Your dad was found dead outside that hut you led us to, you're mother's scent was nearby so we followed it and found her talking with another man, I'm guessing that was Deril."

"Ok? We already knew they were talking in some way... although I still want to know why," I mumbled the last part, and at this point, I was used to death... I was expecting another person to be dead.

"I have a feeling that Deril is doing something to her. Like.. mind control," Oliver whispered.

"What?" I chuckled, "That's not possible, it would have to be menticide used in ancient times... and last time I checked... everything from our old homes were destroyed," I crossed my arms as Jack put his arm around me.

"I'm sorry but there might have been a bit left... who knows what Deril could get his hands on..." Oliver responded.

I sighed, "You may be right, but I want to speak with my mom first. Where did you see her?" I asked.

"Right this way..." Oliver nodded, I'm guessing he was thinking about his mate. Who was still missing...

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