Chapter 5: Meeting the Pack...

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"You two can sleep in the guest bedroom or on the couch," Jack explained.

"And me?" I asked crossing my arm.

"I mean you could sleep with them or me," Jack replied winking.

"Yeah, she will be sleeping with us tonight," Bella answered for me.


"Ellex! Ellex wake up!" Bella shook me.

"What?" I asked as I rolled onto my back.

"We have to get you ready!" Bella exclaimed.

"For what?" I asked, sitting up.

"If Jack is going to meet the pack today, you both have to look your best!" Bella replied.

"Where is Stacy? Don't you both need to work on me?" I joked.

"Stacy is working on Jack, he needs to make a good first impression!" 

"Alright alright, get me ready then," I chuckled.

"Don't have to tell me twice!"

Bella quickly pulled me upward and sat me down in a chair.

"First, let's fix this hair!"

Bella started pulling a brush through my hair, which was super tangled, before she finally stopped.

"Curl it," I recommended after realizing she was thinking.

"Yes! Perfect!"

That's when Bella pulled out her hair curler, she bring the thing everywhere, and started.

"Hey! Be careful!" I yelped, her burning my scalp.

"Oh please! You're a werewolf, it can't hurt that bad," Bella protested.

"I'm still part human!" I responded.

I could tell Bella was rolling her eyes but she continued.


"Time for makeup!" Bella exclaimed.

"Finally, took you forever on the hair," I chuckled.

"Oh be quiet! Just close your eyes! I need to do eye shadow!"

Just as slow as doing my hair, Bella finally finished my makeup.

"Are you two done yet!?" Stacy questioned.

"Just about! I just have to get Ellex an outfit!" Bella replied.

"Be quick!"

For once, Bella was. She already had an outfit ready for me, a beige crop top sweater, a maroon crop top, some white jeans, and some small close toed high heels.

"Alright! I'm ready!" I exclaimed after I finished changing and stepped out of the bathroom.

"Jack's on his way out!" Stacy replied.

Jack then walked out in a full on suit. I started laughing.

"Hey! It's not my fault this girl thinks it's our wedding!" Jack replied, laughing as well.

"It is!" Stacy chuckled, "I mean, it might as well be!"

"I'm just meeting your pack, it's not that big of a deal," Jack responded.

"Agreed," I laughed, "Whatever, we spent this time getting ready... let's head to the pack!"

With that we all quickly got into my car, Jack in the passenger seat, and I started driving towards the pack... but something felt off.... I'm sure it's fine.


"Here we are," I chuckled nervously.

"Hey, they are going to love him!" Bella exclaimed.

"I don't know about that," Jack chuckled, "I'm going to have to earn their trust."

"I'm the future Alpha, if I trust you, they will," I replied.

"I hope so," Jack stepped out of the car and as soon as I did, everyone started swarming around me.

"Is this your mate!?"

"Where were you!?"

"Your parents are missing!"

"Stacy! Bella! Ellex!" Tristan yelled through the crowd.

"Tristan!" Stacy ran up to him and told us to follow him.

"What is going on!?" I asked as soon as we were inside.

"While you were gone your parents went missing," Tristan started, "Meaning that with you gone, Oliver and I were in charge... We tried to calm everyone down but with everyone freaking out it wasn't that easy," Tristan chuckled.

"My parents are missing!?" I questioned, "What do you mean, they are missing!?"

"They went to investigate something and told us not to come with them! When it got dark they never came back..."

"I told them not to hurt your parents," Jack mumbled so quiet I thought I didn't hear him.

"What?" I asked looking at Jack.

"Oh great, I'm not hearing things!" Bella yelled throwing her hands up in the air.

"You heard him?" I asked, stepping away from Jack.

"Werewolf senses, duh," Stacy replied, gesturing to her ears.


"Jack, explain," Tristan stepped up crossing his arms.

"There's nothing to explain!" Jack replied.

"Nothing to explain!? What do you mean!? You said you told them not to hurt my parents. What. Did. You mean!?" I yelled, pushing Tristan away from Jack and looking up at him.

With that Jack looked at us, turned around and shifted before running away.

"Jack!" I yelled, shifting and running after him.

Jack ran through the crowd of people who just watched me as I shifted and started chasing after Jack.

"Ellex stop!" Stacy yelled as I ran off.

Jack ended up running through the forest and into an open field, surrounded by trees, Jack stopped running and turned towards me. He shifted.

"Ellex, there I'm the only way to stop what they are going to do to your parents!"

I turned my head and shifted, "What are they going to do to my parents?" I asked with a harsh tone.

"Kill them..."


Hey all!
I have to thank you for voting for my book!
I can't believe what the ranking on this book is right now!
Thank you!
Is Jack on their side?
He seemed to know something about what was going on!
I love hearing your thoughts!
Have a great day or night!
-H <3

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