Chapter 13: Deril, Mom, and Bella

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"Mom?" I stepped up toward her.

"What do you want, Alpha?" she responded.

"I'm sorry for yelling that, I think we both just miss Dad..." I whispered as she turned around.

"Yeah, well you don't have to deal with the memory of seeing from all black to you over your mate's limp body," She cried.

"Mrs. Gold, I was able to bring Deril here," Jack blurted.

"What?" we both asked.

"After fighting him he was knocked out, I put him in a cage like Tristan's. Do you want to speak with him?" Jack asked.

"I would like to kill him," my mom said walking past us, knowing where he is.


"DERIL I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF!" My mom exclaimed as she walked past Tristan.

"Finally come to visit and it's not for me," Tristan grunted as he stood up.

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes, "You betrayed us, you're just getting what you deserve."

"Mrs. Gold!" Deril chuckled, "We can talk about this!"


"Mom, if you want to kill him you need to wait," I stated, "We could have a public execution, for both of these shitheads."

"Great idea, but first I want to know why he did this," My mom let go of Deril.

"And where Bella is," I thought for a second, "Speaking of my friends, has anyone seen Stacy lately?"

"She came to visit yesterday, she said she found her new mate," Tristan rolled his eyes.

"She already found her new mate? Jeez," I chuckled, "but onto Bella, Deril?" I looked at Deril and stepped toward him, "Care to tell us where you but Bella?"

"What that stupid young Gamma?" Deril chuckled, "She's probably dead by now. I got her good," He started laughing and I grabbed him and pulled him into the bars.

"Say that again," I growled, "And your dead, right here, right now."

"She's in your old packhouse, the one that got destroyed," Deril responded.

"Jack, tell Oliver to go look there," I ordered.

"On it," Jack walked out and it was just my mom, the maniacs, and I.

"So you won't kill me?" Deril asked, he knew I would so I just grinned.

"You killed my father, my closest ally's, Luna, and maybe a best friend of mine, and you want me to not kill you?" I chuckled, "Not going to happen. Mom, let's go, we can plan the execution."

"Gladly, I don't want to see this dickheads face ever again, until I see it on his chopped off head," My mom stated. She seemed so kind but she had a dark side, that's what makes her such a good Luna, even as a human.

Deril shuddered, I think he realized he made the biggest mistake of his life.

"Alright mom..." I chuckled, "Calm down just a tad bit.."


"HELP!" Oliver yelled, "She's hurt bad!" he was basically dragging Bella, Stacy ran up and helped carry her over.

"Bella!" I screamed, running towards them, "Stacy?" I asked.

"We'll talk later," Stacy stated quickly as we put Bella on a stretcher and our medics took her, Oliver stayed with her.

"I guess Deril didn't lie," I chuckled, "good..." I whispered.

"Hey Ellex," Stacy chuckled, "Sorry for disappearing but uh," Stacy started rubbing her neck and I saw a mark.

"You got marked!?" I screamed, "BY WHO!?"

"My new mate," Stacy chuckled, "This is Ava," a girl walked up and put her arm around Stacy.

"Hi," Ava chuckled, "Sorry I stole her during a war..."

"Ava, Ellex, Ellex, Ava," Stacy introduced us, "And really, I'm sorry for disapearing."

"Hey, I would have left with Jack during this time if he wasn't apart of it," I chuckled, "I do not  blame you."

"Well, that's great," Stacy sighed.

"Hey babe," Jack stepped up, "Who's this?"

"Stacy's new mate," I smiled, "And they were just about to tell me where they disappeared, because I know what they did and don't want details on that, but I want to know where you were!"

"Alright alright, we'll talk," Ava chuckled, "Jack right?"

"Yep, hey, I didn't get your name," Jack responded.

"Ava, my name is Ava," Ava shook Jack's hand.

"Well, Ava, don't mess with my Alpha here, she will rip you apart," Jack chuckled, picking me after finishing talking.

"Alpha? Ellex?" Ava asked.

"Stacy!! You didn't tell her!?" I asked as Jack set me down yet held me close.

"Not yet," Stacy chuckled, "Ava, Ellex is the very first female Alpha."

"And you are best friends?" Ava asked. Stacy and I nodded, "well then," Ava chuckled, I guess we should get to talking?"

"I was waiting for that!" I exclaimed, walking away with them, "Jack are you coming?" I looked back at him.

"Nah, I'll keep you're mom away from Deril, I'm not about to let her kill him without me watching," Jack laughed.

"Got it," I laughed as well.


(Jack's POV)

"I don't think you should," Tristan coughed, "Be near me. You're Alpha will kill you."

"She won't kill me, but she'll kill you," I responded.

"I'm more worried about her mom," Deril chuckled in fear, "I thought this plan was foolproof, but you changed that son."

"Yeah, I did," I smiled, "but I have a question for you both."

"And what is that?" Deril asked.

"Why? Why did you want me to be an Alpha and not a Luna? Why did you betray your pack?" I asked them.

"For one, being an Alpha is so much better than being a Luna," Deril responded, "And second, ask that bitch over there why."

"I wanted Stacy to be proud of me... but now I know that she liked me... for me," Tristan looked away, "But that doesn't matter, now I want to get out of here and kill Ellex."

I opened the door for Tristan's cell and grabbed him by the neck, lifting him off the ground, "You put one finger on Ellex and I will not hesitate to rip your head off," I grinned, "so wanna say that again?" Tristan shook his head and I dropped him, closed the door and left.

"That bitch," I heard Tristan say as I passed my mother in law.

"Don't kill him," I said.

"I won't, yet," she responded.


"How's Bella doing?" I asked.

"She's doing better than we thought she would be already," Ellex chuckled, "She never knew when to give up."

"That might have saved her life," I chuckled, "My dad doesn't fight when it gets hard, probably the reason why she's alive right now."

"She always knew when to stop, but she never did. I see that it can be a good thing now," Ellex chuckled.

"It's getting dark," I whispered.

"Wanna go for a run?" Ellex looked at me, a bit red.

"Sure," I smiled.

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