Chapter 2: Movie time, bad news

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"They don't have the extra buttery popcorn!" Bella cried, "It's the only type I like!"

"Bella it's alright, we can add some butter to the popcorn at home," Stacy reassured as we walked towards the checkout, "it will taste the same."

"No it won't!" Bella replied, still crying.

"Stacy, don't even try, we are talking about Bella," I chuckled.

"Hey!" Bella yelled as we walked out of the store.

"Bella we have popcorn, and an infinite amount of movies. We have butter we can put on your popcorn, we don't need to spend an extra $5 just for extra buttery popcorn," I rolled my eyes and I unlocked my car.

"Well, we could try another store!" Bella protested, hopping in the back seat.

"Bella, don't you want time to re-watch all our favorite movies?" Stacy asked.

"Of course I do!" Bella responded.

"Then we need to get to Ellex's house in time," Stacy replied.

"Fine," Bella sat back and crossed her arms.

"Buckle up!" I ordered, looking at her through the mirror.

Bella buckled up and the rest of the drive we were singing to the music on the radio.

"Alright, alright. What movie should we watch first?" I asked as I stepped out of the small car.

"What does it matter? We are going to watch them all!" Stacy exclaimed.

"True!" Bella agreed.

"Alright! Race you inside!" I yelled as I turned around and ran into my house.

"Ellex!" Bella yelled as she ran after me, Stacy behind her.

"Bella wait up!" Stacy yelled behind her.

"Girls!" My mom yelled as I ran through the door.

"Mom! It's movie day!" I exclaimed as I stopped running.

"Stacy! Bella!" My mom yelled as they ran through the door and stopped running.

"Sorry Mrs. Gold," They both said in unison.

"You girls need to learn some manners! If you three are going to look after our pack you better be more respectful!" My mom exclaimed.

"Yes Mrs. Gold," The girls replied, looking at the ground.

"Alright now, go to whatever you were going to... just don't bother your brother or his mate. They are planning their ceremony," My mother replied.

"What is the point of having a ceremony?" I asked as I started towards the stairs.

"To show off your new mate! Why else would you have a ceremony?" Bella asked following my up the stairs.

"I mean listen," I turned around when I made it to the top of the stairs and started walking backwards, "You say a few words, you cry, others cry, and you run off with your mate for them to mark you, then you... you know..." I rolled my eyes and stopped walking, "It's stupid."

"Alright, alright, you have a point. But it's movie day! Let's watch movies!!" Stacy exclaimed as she pushed by me and opened my room door before walking in. Bella following after her then, I.

"Oh, hi Stacy, Bella... Ellex," Lucy joyfully stated at first but her voice lowered down.

"Lucy what are you doing in here?" I asked, stepping in front of Stacy and Bella.

"Liam said you might have some magazines for dresses, with you being a girl and all. He told me it would be alright," Lucy replied, fear in her voice.

"That boy," I growled under my breath, "You're fine, just next time mind link me and ask, so I know when you are going in. Also, I don't have any dress magazines," I chuckled.

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