Chapter 3: The BloodRose Pack

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"Ellex..." Stacy tried to calm me down.

"No! The pack accepts me as their Alpha! You don't see anyone calling Liam, Alpha, do you!?" I asked, throwing my hands up in the air.

"No, bu-"

"Exactly! Everyone in the pack calls me Alpha! So why would Liam become Alpha!?" I protested.

"Ellex, I agree with you," Stacy blurted, "Liam wouldn't be a good Alpha. If Liam is anything, he would be a highly ranked Omega. You, you're an Alpha."

"Thank You Stacy," A small smile appeared on my face, "But how do I prove that to my parents?" I asked.

"You could find your mate? Start training more?" Stacy suggested.

"I threw a fork into a wall..." I crossed my arms, "More training?"

"True... well, you could still find your mate," Stacy replied.

"I haven't even started looking for my mate. I know it's no-one in the pack otherwise I would have known," I rolled my eyes.

"Then we go on a trip! We can visit the nearest packs and tell their Alpha you're looking for your mate! They would understand. I mean, we are allied with them all," Stacy chuckled.

"Genius," I smiled, "road trip?"

"I'll get Bella!" Stacy ran off towards Liam's room.

"SHE IS!? FINALLY!!" Bella exclaimed, before running into my room, "First we are going to all the packs possible, then we go into human towns! We have to find your mate!" Bella yelled.

"Alright," I chuckled, "Let's pack!"


"Are you ready?" I asked the girls through our mind link as I hopped into my car.

"Yep!" The girls responded.

"Great! I'm on my way!"

The drive was short as Bella and Stacy both lived in the packhouse with their mates until they got a house of their own, lucky for me, I had a house already ready for me.

As soon as I got to the packhouse Stacy and Bella were waiting outside and they ran to my car and hopped in.

"Alright! Where to first?" I asked.

"The BloodRose! They are our closest allies!" Bella replied.

"To BloodRose it is!" I exclaimed as I started driving and turned on the radio, pop country radio turning on.

The whole drive the girls and I were singing to the songs on the radio and doing small little dances.

I turned down the radio and my smile faded.

"What if I don't find my mate?" I asked.

"Oh please! How could you not!?" Stacy responded.

"I mean it! Some wolves spend their entire lives looking for their mate! What if I don't find mine?"

"Then, we will find another way for you to become Alpha," Bella replied, a smile on her face.

"Thanks girls," I replied, "good thing too... we're here," I turned onto a dirt path that led to the BloodRose's Pack Packhouse.

"I haven't been here myself! This is beautiful!" Bella exclaimed as she looked up at the trees above us, fairy lights hanging from them.

"It really is beautiful," Stacy agreed.

"Alright, stop fangirling over fairy lights, we're here to find my mate!" I chuckled as I parked the car.

I got out and walked up to the front door but before I could knock the door swung open and two guards were ready to fight me.

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