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January 2023

---Justine's POV---
Alex and I entered the ICU for the final time. We are finally bringing our son, Emmanuel, home after three weeks. We brought home our daughter, Ginni, two days ago and couldn't wait to see them reunited.

"Are you okay?" I asked as we entered the hospital.

"Yeah," Alex replied. "I'm worried something's going to go-"

"Don't say it." I demanded. "He's going to come home. Our children are going to be together and we are going to be a family like you always wanted." Alex sighed.

"Okay," Alex stated. "I'm sorry love."

"It's okay." I stated. I kissed Alex's hand. Suddenly, my S.I.S.A phone rang. I ignored it, wanting to focus on my son coming home. My personal phone rang.

"Answer it." Alex stated. I looked at the caller ID. It was my father in-law.

"It's your dad." I stated. "It's gotta be whatever S.I.S.A wants. Let's focus on Manny, okay?"

"Alright." Alex stated. As I was signing in, Alex's personal phone rang. Alex stepped away and picked up. The nurse looked at me.

"Excited to bring Emmanuel home?" The nurse asked.

"You have no idea." I replied. Alex walked over to me.

"Emergency at HQ." Alex whispered. "Want me to drop you off on the way home?" I sighed.

"So much for spending time with our kids today." I stated.

After we got Manny, Alex dropped me off at HQ and went home to relieve Roni and Aaron from baby duty. I ran into the meeting room, worried that something drastic has happened. I walk in to see everyone on the board. The members of BTS are in South Korean military uniforms.

"There you are." Kim Namjoon stated to me.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Take a seat," Namjoon stated. "I'll explain." I see Adam, Alex's dad, and went over to see him.

"Hey," Adam stated. "I tried to tell Namjoon that you were wanting to spend time with the twins now that Emmanuel is going home, but he insisted you need to be here."

"Did he say why?" I asked. Adam shook his head. Namjoon took the stand and cleared his throat.

"Attention please," Namjoon stated. "I have an announcement. All seven of us are stepping down from S.I.S.A after we serve our three years for the army. I have hand picked my successor who should of been up here already." Chatter arose. There are two people on the board who should be running S.I.S.A by now. Me and Ashton Kutcher. Ashton and I looked at each other.

"He's talking about you." Ashton stated.

"I doubt it." I stated.

"You took down Dr. Vortex," Ashton stated. "While five months pregnant. You deserve it."

"Yes she does." Namjoon stated. "Congratulations Agent Blue, you are now Director of the Secret International Spy Agency." Everyone cheered. I stood up and bowed.

"Go on up," Adam stated. "Give an acceptance speech." I went up to the podium.

"I like to thank Namjoon for seven years of service." I stated. "I have some big shoes to fill, that's for sure."

"Not really!" Jimin called out. The rest of BTS laughed.

"Secondly," I stated. "I kind of expected this meeting to be about something else. We have a traitor in S.I.S.A. Agent Red discovered this while trying to help me take down Dr. Vortex. Him and I will be trying to find this traitor and send them to Alcatraz." Chatter arose.

iHave Your Back (The Sequel To iFell For A Spy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin