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---Alex's POV---
I attempted to place candles on the twins' birthday cake for their first birthday. It wasn't going well. Justine walked into the kitchen and chuckled.

"You know you don't have to put candles on the cake." Justine stated.

"I know," I stated. "It's just that the cake look plain without the candles."

"They're too young to blow out the candles." Justine stated. "Let's just take the cake out." I picked up the cake and began to carry it out.

"So?" I asked. "When are we telling our families about Riley?" Justine thought for a moment.

"Probably next week." Justine replied. "Let the twins have their first birthday for themselves." I kissed my wife's cheek.

"Okay." I stated. I carried out the cake. Everyone began singing happy birthday to the twins.

Later, after putting the babies to bed, Justine and I laid down. I kissed Justine's bump and kissed Justine.

"So?" I asked. "Do you think all of our kids are responsible for stopping T.E.A.L?" Justine sighed.

"I think so." Justine stated. "This definitely has me worried though. They're our babies. I don't want to lose them." I wrapped my arms around Justine and cuddled up to her.

"I know babe." I stated. "I'm worried about all three of them." Justine cuddled up to me.

"Do you think they'll be okay?" Justine asked. I kissed my wife's forehead and played with her hair.

"I hope so." I stated. "Regarding of what happens, I'm going to make sure they don't get hurt." Justine nodded.

"I will be by your side the whole time." Justine stated. I kissed Justine and smiled.

"I love you." I stated.

"I love you too." Justine stated. Justine fell asleep. I cuddled up to Justine and fell asleep myself.

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