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---Justine's POV---
Alex had convinced me to hire a therapist for S.I.S.A, then made me go to that therapist. I suspect that had to do with my nightmares. I couldn't blame Alex for being concerned about my mental health. I know I end up waking him up in the middle of the night. He's always up with the twins throughout the night, so he may be up with me as well. I took a deep breath and knocked on the therapist's door.

"Come in!" The therapist called out. I walked in. The therapist looked up.

"Hi." I stated. "I'm Agent Blue."

"I'm Dr. Lipshitz." The therapist stated. "Is there more than one Agent Blue?"

"No." I replied. "I am the director." Dr. Lipshitz raised his eyebrow.

"I thought Agent Blue was a male." Dr. Lipshitz mumbled.

"You wouldn't be the first." I stated. "My father in-law didn't know I was Agent Blue until he found out I was on the mission my husband got injured at."

"So your husband is Agent Red?" Dr. Lipshitz asked.

"Yes." I replied. "He's my soulmate." Dr. Lipshitz pulled out a notepad and began writing stuff down.

"He contacted me before your session." Dr. Lipshitz stated. "He told me you've been having nightmares constantly. Can you tell me what they're about?" I took a deep breath.

"They started when I was six or seven months pregnant." I stated. "When I was five months pregnant, I found out Agent Red was going after my arch nemesis, Dr. Vortex. Knowing Dr. Vortex, I went after Agent Red. It turns out Dr. Vortex wanted me, not my husband. I don't remember what happened. I just remember seeing Dr. Vortex's dead body and a gun in my hand. I blacked out after that. I woke up in the hospital. However, that's when it happened. I seem to know what happened in my dream for the most part."

"What happened in your dream?" Dr. Lipshitz asked.

"I attacked Dr. Vortex, " I replied. "Out of fear for our babies, Agent Red began to run after him. However, someone, who I found out was a traitor, yanked at him and held him down. I was in a headlock, being held down by Dr. Vortex. I elbowed Dr. Vortex, forcing him to let go of me. I remember seeing the traitor taking off before I shot Dr. Vortex..... The traitor...... They were wearing platforms....."

"Excuse me?" Dr. Lipshitz asked.

"Platforms!" I shouted. "Tommy is naturally 6'4 and JJ is naturally 6'0! Why would either need platform shoes unless they were being framed by someone shorter than them?!" I ran out of the therapist's office and ran to Alex, who was training his group of trainees.

I reached the training area where Alex was running drills, holding the twins. I ran to Alex and hugged him.

"Hey," Alex stated. "How was therapy?"

"The traitor was wearing platforms." I stated. "Whoever the traitor was, they wore platforms. Think about it Alex, if you wanted to frame someone who is taller than you, would you do it as your height or wear platform shoes?" Alex thought for a moment. I took the twins from him and kissed my babies foreheads.

"I see what you mean." Alex stated. "Come on, let's narrow our options down." I placed the twins in their strollers and we made our way to my office.

In my office, I was on my computer narrowing down all the agents who could of betrayed us while Alex tracked down their whereabouts that night. I looked at Alex. I feel like I should tell him about Manny.

"So," I stated. "It turns out we'll have time travel by 2043."

"Really?" Alex asked. "How do you know?"

"Well," I stated. "Manny will travel back in time to 1994 and warn your dad about T.E.A.L. I think we have a least one more child because he mentioned having a younger sister. Even if he didn't state Ginni was his twin, Ginni is older than him by 15 minutes."

"We get more cuddles?!" Alex beamed in excitement.

"Yes." I stated. "Let's just say the Vortex-Burriss rivalry continues down the bloodline."

"I was only Dr. Vortex's enemy for the last five months of his life." Alex stated.

"It counts." I stated. "Plus, when I married you, I took your name." Alex shrugged and we continued working. I only pulled up five male agents under 5'7. Alex raised his eyebrow.

"Are you okay?" Alex asked.

"Only five agents are under 5'7," I replied. "None of them can drive for at least 5 years, and only one is in a 100 mile radius of Vortex Towers." I slammed my head on the keyboard.

"What if the agent isn't male?" Alex asked. I raised my head up and looked at my husband.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"What if the traitor isn't male?" Alex questioned. I removed the male filter on the search bar and placed all the other genders in. The number increased. Removing myself from the equation, I had 12 agents narrowed down.

"Good thinking babe." I stated. Alex smiled.

"I do occasionally come up with a good idea." Alex stated.

"Don't sell yourself short." I stated. I walked over, hugged, and kissed Alex passionately.

"Justine?" Alex asked.

"Yes love?" I asked.

"How come you seem sexier when you're vulnerable?" Alex asked.

"I thought you loved my stronger side." I stated.

"I did," Alex stated. "But you don't show your vulnerable side at all. You carry the world on your back literally. It's when you let your feelings out you seem sexier. I love that side of you more."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes." Alex replied. "I do." I smirked.

"Are you trying to get me pregnant again?" I asked. Alex blushed, turning as red as a tomato.

"...... Maybe." Alex mumbled. I chuckled and kissed Alex passionately.

"Let's focus on the twins for now." I stated. "These two are a handful as it is. One more baby will probably be too much for us right now." Alex nodded in agreement. Ginni and Manny began crying. My breasts began to hurt. I frowned.

"Feeding time?" Alex asked.

"You know it." I stated. Alex grabbed Ginni and brought her over to me. As I fed her, Alex grabbed a bottle and fed Manny.

"So?" Alex asked. "Where do we go from here?"

"We start looking." I stated.

iHave Your Back (The Sequel To iFell For A Spy)Where stories live. Discover now